December 1994, Update Note - IVLOGIN. ------------------------ Purpose: InVircible is offered as a universal protection for standalone PC as well as all DOS compatible networks. IV's methodology is that every workstation that is equipped with a hard disk should verify its integrity prior to connecting to the network. This required that the LAN administrator installs IV to all stations. This could be done by a simple batch file, yet quite a few LAN administrators had difficulties in doing it properly. The new IVLOGIN utility solves this problem for all networks that require a login process. The new INSTALL program takes care of copying IVLOGIN.EXE from the distribution floppy to the IV directory, both on hard disk or to the server. All that the LAN administrator should do is to include the IVLOGIN command in the login script or batch, the rest will be taken care by IVLOGIN. Please replace INSTALL.EXE, and add IVLOGIN.EXE to your distribution package. Also, add the following text to the manual, at the end of 4.2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Installation To or From LAN Server. [ ... ] Therefore, any such station needs its own InVircible installation. For LAN administrators: It is possible to install InVircible to all workstations, from the server. The IVLOGIN utility is provided with the distribution floppy. IVLOGIN checks if there is a hard disk and whether IV is installed on it. In case it is not, IV will be installed automatically with its default parameters. Add the IVLOGIN command in the LOGIN script, with the full pathname where the IVLOGIN.EXE file is located. IVLOGIN must be in the same directory as the IV files.