To install : Quit running any old version. Copy vbsys.dll, cmdialog.vbx and threed.vbx to your windows/system directory. (If you already have these files, use the newest one) Copy vbsys.exe and/or vbsysbar.exe anywhere with vbsys.hlp and delete any old versions of them if you still have them. Note: VBSys now requires one file more than Version 2.00 or earlier did to access some of the new features. (cmdialog.vbx) You need to copy the included file cmdialog.vbx to your windows/system directory before running the program if upgrading from ver 2.00 or earlier that did NOT include cmdialog.vbx. Read the help file for all program and registration details. Please Register to get the ability to save ALL setting such as drives to monitor, fonts, colors, stay on top, position on screen, memory settings, etc... Note: To use with PC Tools Tag Along Feature: It will tag along properly only if: On the main PC Tools standard menu: 1 Select options 2 Then select advanced settings 3 Near the bottom of that menu: The option to "Bring window to current desktop" must be selected. If you don't want the "Bring window to current desktop" option checked then, you will need the registered version to work correctly with PC Tools for Windows 2. Read the help file for all program details. Look carefully at the button overview, there are MANY features which are easily overlooked due to the small program size. Do NOT let all the features confuse you; The ones that you use often are easily memorized and the others can be looked up quickly in the help file. And now with The Quick Access Window, it's easy to use all the features.