NTPDATE.EXE is an NT (Intel) port of the ntpdate program which comes as part of the xntp distribution. NTPDATE will query one or more NTP servers and set the local clock based on a statistical interpolation of the 'real' time. It is a very preliminary hack, as I don't currently have the time to follow through and clean it up (e.g. make it a service). It has been tested against NTP servers (v1 and v3) and correctly sets the time. The hacking was necessary primarily because of the timer/timing services available in the Win32 subsystem. Timezone information was another problem, and I don't know what will happen when we get to daylight savings time. I expect to revisit the code before then (as of this writing, I have about 5 months left!). It is very simple to run. The following command will set the time and report the time difference. NTPDATE [ [...]] Servers may be specified by name or address. Putting '-v' on the command line will cause it to print the version information on the standard output. Putting '-d' on the command line will cause it to print out lots of debugging information, and will also prevent it from setting the time. You can tell ntpdate to communicate with older NTP protocols using the '-o' switch. For instance, to query a version 1 server named abc, use the following command: ntpdate -o 1 abc I doubt any of the crypto functions work. Other options may or may not work as a result of the hack. Because I wasn't that familiar with the command-line options during the port, I modified the routine that actual changes the system time to print out the message 'Setting NT System Time!!!' with a beep, so there's no doubt. If it doesn't beep, it didn't change the time. Share and enjoy... Todd Aven avents@btco.com 5 December 1994