I dunno about that but I hear this recently... You know anything about this? I'd like your opinion about this, if ya don't mind: Here's a mystery... Hmmm... Well, I'd rather like to think about Hey, let's talk about I read in the paper the other day that Somebody said that Clinton was talking about I wrote my congressperson and she said I'd like to know who first said this: Would you like to discuss I have always wondered why For some reason, whenever I talk to you I think about Can't I type good? Say, I have often heard that I read this the other day in the bathroom: I see... So? Aha... very deep. Interesting. But consider this, Do you think that There's a message on here about you and it says that I am REALLY surprised. Did you know that My, my, my.... I feel another one coming on.... oh noooo..... Might I interject that But have you considered this? Oh, come now... I'll bet that I suppose that you'd like to talk about I can't believe it! This is REALLY ODD! It seems that