TommCHAT Revision History: 1.00: First release. Kicks ass on most chat programs already. Buggier than a double feature of Arachnophobia and Attack of the Killer Bees, but we like it anyway ;-) 1.01: Fixed a number of bugs: The first person to enter TommCHAT no longer vanishes. ANSi 3-D effects fixed. Linefeeds now trapped, so that users of inferior terminal software do not experience apparent long delays in getting commands recognized. Help files no longer erroneously refer to TommCHAT as being in alpha: it wasn't in 1.00 and it definitely isn't now. Added four more actions: Bark (like a dog), Woof (like Arsenio), Zzz (take a nap), and Hurl (like Garth). Redid pricing structure: Now it's only $25 for six nodes, $2 each node above the sixth. IMHO a BBS that needs more than six nodes has a user base that can afford to adopt this door even if the sysop him/herself can't. 1.03: Fixed some more bugs. Under certain very exotic conditions, TommCHAT and all other Whirlwind Software doors (by Gerald Albion) used to crash when just the wrong combination of interrupts went off at once. This problem which has proved very inconvenient for some, has (we believe) been exterminated. New versions of Rancho Nevada, Hi-Q, Purity, Bluevote and Q-Pid are now also available which include this important fix! 1.05: Many additional path checks, defaults, and overrides mean that TommCHAT should work much more smoothly out-of-the-box even with the most exotic batch files and pathing situations... The "runtime error 100" which sometimes occurred while running actions has been (hopefully) fixed. I have also fixed some picky logic dealing with how user access levels are passed... There is also a new /D command line switch which lets you pass the directory path of your DORINFO1.DEF (or other door file), to accommodate BBSes which can only write these files to one preset path. 1.05c: Mea culpa! 1.05 was released with "new" bugs which weren't adequately tested for. Hopefully this release will fix things. 1.06: I have added support for non-FOSSIL systems - if you run a BBS without a FOSSIL driver, read the docs on how to set up non-FOSSIL com ports, even with non-standard port parameters! Also added a "meow" (like a puddy-tat) action. My cat likes it, hope you do too... 1.06d: This release contains numerous bug fixes, and a couple of actions (rose and impure) have been cleaned up - they actually make sense now. There's also a new "socks" action (as in, remove them and stink up the room), and a new "drag" action (from a cigarette - no politically-correct-person, I!). The docs now contain a warning about a situation which could cause a runtime error, and how to fix it yourself. In order to use the fixed Actions, you must copy the ACTIONS.CTL file to your TommCHAT directory and run COMPACT! The structures are now included. If you develop a utility for TC (I'd like to see a slick external user editor, for one) please upload it to my BBS. Similarly, I'd like to build a library of user-written Actions. If you have written some unique or humourous actions for TC, please send them to me! 1.07: This is both a "maintenance" release and a "new feature" release. I have fixed some IPC collision related bugs thanks to some excellent information provided by TommCHAT sysops. Thankz loadz dudez! I have also responded to user requests for one-key access to quit and help functions. Just typing ? by itself on a line (followed by return) will call up the help file, and either q or x will get the user out (similar to Galacticomm's MajorBBS). Further to one of the first feature requests I received over a year ago, I have also made SmartActions available without the /a. You can use just a / and the action, e.g.: /kickass tommy does the same as /a kickass tommy (but please don't, I'm sore enough already =) Also, I have -greatly- improved the intelligence of the action-by-name code. Now, even if a user has embedded colours or hard-to-key characters in his or her handle, these codes are ignored in the name comparison, and a partial name will do. Example: Say my handle is stored as "~ET~Mo~Gm~Om~Py". It looks like gibberish but it displays as "Tommy" in five colours thanks to the embeddeds. However, a user can still make me the recipient of her action if she types /rose Tommy, or /grin tom, or /re ommy. All three use either the entirety or a substring of my stripped-down pseudo "Tommy", and are therefore legal. Of course, you can still reference the victims of your actions by their node number if you so desire.