The items contained in this file are the items which other System Operators request that be implemented. Some may be within the next release, while others may take some time. If you see an item you want and want it soon you need to let me know for unless I get more individuals asking for something or requesting new features than they will be added when I feel I need them . FM.PPE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - Switches for display header for: - Files online (Added v1.4) - Bytes online (Added v1.4) - Files Offline - Bytes Offline - Set Justification of Directory Numbers - Set Justification of Directory Names - Option to display or not to display 0 byte/file directories (v1.5) PCBCOUNT.EXE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - Switch for monochrome users so that they don't have to edit the configuration file. (Added v1.4, fast mode is the way monochrome users should go for there's no menus and it's just plain vanilla.) - No screen display, just a percentage which is completed. (We've narrowed this down to a bare minimum use and the program, as far as we know it is the fastest on the market.) - Create a bulletin of all the files - Create a bulletin of summary of all the files - Estimated completion time in minutes and seconds during update - Display hours, minutes and seconds upon completion instead of seconds - Virus/Trojan horse checking upon loadup (Added v1.5) - Add headers with totals of files, sizes, online, offline, etc. - Option to count/not count empty files (zero byte files) - Option to count/not count offline files - Option to count/not count deleted files - Remove the "uploaded by:" line - Remove a "specific string of text" line