README.TXT for DBSETUP V1.00 (02/14/95): DBSETUP is a utility that I have developed to help maintain a simple data dictionary of application database files. With DBSETUP the user may perform the following operations: 1. Add, update, and delete table and order dictionary entries. 2. Create table and order files from dictionary entries. 3. Rebuild order entry files. 4. Check and fix the integrity between dictionary entries and files. 5. Print table structure and order tag information. ...and various other dictionary operations. Since I use DBSETUP for my own application development, it has been tailored to meet my needs. For instance, I primarily use the COMIX 3.00 RDD for my applications; therefore, DBSETUP has been developed and tested to use this RDD. I do not know if it will perform with other RDD files, as I have not tested it with other RDDs. Also, the structure of the data dictionary is very simple, as my needs have been very simple so far. The following are listings of the data dictionary structure and tag information for DBSETUP.DBF and DBFSETUP.CDX: FIELD_NAME TYPE LENGTH DECIMAL DESCRIPTION ========== ==== ====== ======= =========== TABLE C 8 0 Table name TYPE N 1 0 Record type (1 field; 2 tag) FNAME C 10 0 Field name FTYPE C 1 0 Field type FLEN N 3 0 Field length FDEC N 1 0 Field decimal ONAME C 8 0 Order name TNAME C 8 0 Tag name TKEXP C 250 0 Tag key expression TFEXP C 250 0 Tag for expression CHECK L 1 0 Check integrity of entry TAG KEY EXPRESSION ========== ============== TABLE DBSETUP->TABLE TYPE DBSETUP->TABLE + LTRIM( STR( DBSETUP->TYPE ) ) FIELD DBSETUP->TABLE + DBSETUP->FNAME ORDER DBSETUP->TABLE + DBSETUP->ONAME I am releasing DBSETUP to the public domain free of charge. The utility has paid for itself many times, so I do not feel the need to issue a charge to the user. By the same token, I do not feel the need to offer support for its use or take responsibility for any adverse effects it might have. However, I would appreciate any suggestions or bug reports the user might forward. DBSETUP will undoubtedly evolve to meet my future needs. When I make any substantial modification to the utility, I will again place a copy into the public domain. I have written various CA_Clipper functions to manipulate the data dictionary from within other applications. When I have cleaned up the source code, I will submit it. Hopefully, the source code will provide some examples of how the user may also use the data dictionary within his own applications. Thank you, J. Scott Pugh (71673,2710) 948 Silverwood Drive Clarksville, IN 47129