-= PYROCONE.HLP =- v1.0 What is this all about? ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pyrometric cones are small clay-like devices, shaped in the form of a triangular pyramid, which are used to guage the heat-treating process when firing ceramic and pottery objects in a kiln (furnace). Cones are available in a numbered series to provide for differing degrees of firing, and simply melt and slump when subjected to the degree of heat (time and temperature) which corresponds to their particular number, thereby giving a visual indication that the firing process has been completed. The various types of commercially available clay and glaze are ordinarily provided with firing instructions expressed in terms of cone numbers ("For best results, fire to Cone 6 in a slow kiln."). In order to use modern temperature controllers for the firing of ceramics and pottery, it is necessary to convert these instructions to practical controller settings ... "fire to 2250øF at a rate of 270øF/Hour. This file contains charts in øF and øC which give the time vs temperature information for each standard pyrometric cone, as determined by the National Bureau of Standards (now the NSA). Files ÄÄÄÄÄ This file was originally posted as P_CONE10.ZIP, containing: FILE_ID.DIZ 336 02-21-95 9:40p standard description file PYROCONE.HLP 44,771 02-21-95 9:21p the .HLP format data file PYROCONE.ICO 776 02-21-95 11:06p cone icon README.TXT 3,557 02-21-95 11:20p this file Installation and Use ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This is a Windows 3.1+ HELP (.HLP format) file. It may be installed in any directory or, if you wish, you may install it in your c:\windows directory where all your other Windows .hlp files will be found. To use this file, open the file manager and double-click on it. Files with the .hlp extension are normally associated with winhelp.exe, which is ordinarily found in your c:\windows directory. If double-clicking on the pyrocone.hlp filename does not pop up the help file, you need to click on FILE, ASSOCIATE, BROWSE and select winhelp.exe from the c:\windows directory. For the greatest convenience, copy the pyrocone.ico icon which accompanies this file to one of your Program Manager groups to pop up this file with a click of your mouse. To do this ... 1. select the group you wish to use 2. click on FILE, NEW, PROGRAM ITEM, OK ... 3. Description = Cones! (or your choice) 4. Command Line = c:\windows\pyrocone.hlp (*) 5. Working Directory = (blank) 6. Shortcut Key = (blank) 7. then click on "Change Icon ..." and enter File Name = c:\windows\pyrocone.ico (*) 8. click on "OK" twice to save this setup and return to the Program Manager. 9. click on the icon (*) if you have used a different directory, use your correct path instead of c:\windows\ Source: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This file is provided free by Warner Instruments, manufacturer of FireRight temperature control systems for ceramic kilns and glass annealing furnaces (lehrs). It is supported from the FireRight BBS at 616-842-1471, which provided free public access, 24-hours every day. Warner Instruments 1320 Fulton Street PO Box 604 Grand Haven MI 49417 usa Phone: 616-842-7658 FAX/BBS: 616-842-1471