General facts and such Ok, well I guess I have to post this up so if someone gets really out of line, they can't say I didn't warn them. Downers: -------- 1 - If a user on a BBS System gets out of line the sysop of the bbs will be notified by there HUB or by me, and the user must stop. If this does not work, then the HUB will cut the feed to the BBS. If the HUB refuses to do this then there feed will be cut. I am serious about this. 2 - No excessive profanity, I mean if you say for instence "What the hell". That is no big deal as long as no offence is taken by anyone, but if every message is hell, shit, fuck etc.. then the consiquences stated in rule 1 apply. Uppers (Kinda) -------------- 1 - All messages will be converted to pipecodes (if they are not already) so importing them to diffrent bbs platforms ill be easier. Each NODE before exporting mail will convert it to pipecodes. This can be done with a external program like convert. Then if your bbs dosnt support pipecodes you can get a pipe code stripper or to ansi code converter. Pipe2PCB converts pipecodes to esc sequences, convert (yes thats the name) converts all to pipe codes. Well thats it