Welcome to PhileoNet. Fellowship. Prayer. Talk. Christians PhileoNet is a Christian Fellowship network comprised of one Network HUB Bulletin Board System and several participating Regional Hubs, Hubs and Nodes. PhileoNet is owned by no single person and is operated by a group of Overseers that will hold each other and the net accountable to God. The Overseers will not control the net, but instead speak the truth in love and restore wrong doing firmly, but gently. This Net is Solely Dedicated to Jesus Christ. As a group of Christians, we agree that Jesus is the Christ, The Son of the Living God, and that our Salvation is available in no other than Him and His free Gift and not our own works. We affirm that the Bible, His Word, is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, that the man of God may be throughly equipped for every good work. This is the foundation that PhileoNet rests upon. The Network overseers are: Curtis Taylor, SysOp of Restoration Rock BBS Lucky Hughes, SysOp of In His Service BBS Charles Wootten, SysOp of The Servant of the Lord BBS Steve Harbin, SysOp of Prophyts Systems The Overseers reserve the right to admit or refuse any BBS or SYSOP as a member of the Network. The Overseers of the Net further reserve the right to remove or suspend Access of any individual node for any action considered detrimental to the cause of Christ. A Node may be accepted by the Host System from which it wishes to poll netmail. Any Node that has been a member of the net for more than 30 days may add a node. As noted above, the overseers of the net have the right to refuse any node, and Hubs are required to cut the feed to any node the overseers designate. Regional Hubs & Hubs MUST carry ALL PhileoNet Forums. Pursuant to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18 USC 2510 et. seq., all BBS SYSOPs and users participating within PhileoNet, must be aware that there are no facilities provided by the Network for sending or receiving confidential electronic communications. Although PhileoNet maintains the capability and capacity to send and receive mail that is flagged as "Receiver-Only" or "Routed Mail.", mail so flagged is not to be considered by any user as actual "private" messages. The purpose of the "R/O", "Routed Mail" or "Point-to-Point" flags are in-tended solely to provide a means to limit the possible number of nodes and/or users that may have access to the mail for display purposes. Sysops carrying PhileoNet must agree that they will inform their users of the provisions of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Basic rules * = Changed since last release 1. Net policy is that software used by the individual systems on the net will be registered or legally licensed for use. * 2. No Aliases/Handles: Except in the Survivors of Abuse conference, to make sharing hurts easier. Network Sysops are not required to allow Aliases, even in Victims, however, they should be aware some of our sysops will allow Aliases in that conference. In any event, Sysops must record the true name of people who use Aliases. We must know who is calling. 3. Message Posting / Quoting: Keep quoting to an absolute Minimum. Glorify Christ in the message base with no foul, lewd or otherwise unacceptable language. * 4. SysOps MUST monitor the PN_Admin conference on a timely basis to be aware of any changes in configuration of conferences. * 5. Forum Requirements: PN-Admin, Fellowship, and PrayerCloset are required conferences, except as shared below. * 6. Network Taglines: Multiple tags are discouraged. All Net tags should be in the following format... PhileoNet þ BBS Name þ BBS City, State þ BBS Phone * 7. ANSI and RIP In Messages: ANSI and RIP are permitted ONLY in the Announcements and Teen to Teen Forums. 8. Shared conferences: This net intends to fellowship with everyone in Christ. Therefore it has a liberal conference sharing policy. Shared conferences are encouraged with other Christian Networks. However, it must be plainly displayed that the conference being shared is coming from PhileoNet, to encourage fellowship from other Nets with PhileoNet, that Christians all around the world may fellowship together in HIM. All shared conferences within PhileoNet must first be approved by the Overseers and by the host in PhileoNet of that conference. Conference Hosts The duties of the CH are described below: 1) Ensure that message traffic is kept on topic and politely redirect off topic users to the "appropriate" conference. 2) Notify the Overseers of problems regarding config errors such as Duplicate Mail and Cross-Echoes. 3) Notify the overseers of a user who violates any and/or all conference rules. 4) When a user becomes out of line, restore him/her gently, be firm yet gentle in love. If this has no effect, report the situation to the appropriate Sysop. If actions still continue, the CH may recommend the removal of the caller by posting to Network Overseer's. The Overseers reserve the right to ask any sysop to remove a users access to a conference or to the entire Network. 5) Maintain the friendly atmosphere within the conference and make new callers feel welcome. Where appropriate, you should assist in answering questions which relate to the subject of your conference. 6) Post the Conference Rules at least once a month. 7) Always direct and maintain Conference communication in such a manner that glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ.