Author : Robert Stevenson Date : 19 March 1995 Version: V1.02 This program modifies a Descent save game (registered version only). The number of lives, energy, shield strength, and weaponry are modified. I found that after defeating the Bigboss on level 7, I usually had only one life left and minimal weapons. Even with the new save feature under the registered Descent, it meant a frustrating toe hold on level 8. Usage: editsave input-file output-file Example: editsave robert.sg0 robert.upd The save games are named "players.sg0" Where "players" is your pilot's name. The ".sg0" is the save game number. The modified file will need to be named using this format. For example, if your input file is "ROBERT.SG2" and the output file is "ROBERT.UPD", the output file will need to be renamed to something like "ROBERT.SG3". Descent supports up to 10 different save games in this format (.SG0 through .SG9). You can change the default values for several fields by modifying a local options file named "editsave.ini" An example file is included. All fields are optional. If the editsave.ini file is not found, then defaults are used - the option file is a way for someone to affect the default values I chose. For example, I had fun creating and using a homing-missile only platform. This text file must accompany the executable file. Otherwise, these files may be freely distributed. Happy hunting! Robert Stevenson