POD Copyright (c) 1993-95 by Nick Rogers, SwordSoft All Rights Reserved INSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTION: The idea of POD is very simple: move your "POD" around the network of coloured tracks to remove them without falling off. Different colours require multiple passes, which makes life that more interesting, and other pieces do even more interesting things! Like throwing you half way across the board, for instance! Using the cursor keys the game is easy to play, yet the levels can be very challenging for even the most dedicated puzzle freaks. Children will find the colours amusing, and the simplicity of the game will enable them to play it almost immediately. The game comes with online help, as well as a demo mode which goes through the basics of the game while you watch. 20 levels are issued with the shareware version, while registered users will enjoy a further 60 levels, plus a utility that enables them to create their own POD levels. This utility can be fully mouse or keyboard driven, and also has online help. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Requires 256K memory and EGA graphics. INSTALLING THE GAME: POD may be run directly from diskette or hard disk. To install the program onto a hard disk, put the Install disk into drive A: or B: and enter either A:INSTALL or B:INSTALL as appropriate. LOADING THE GAME: Ensure all files are in the current directory. See end of this document for a list of all the files in the POD package. To load the game, change into the POD directory, eg CD \POD Now run the program by entering POD Do not type "\POD\POD" to run the program. You must be logged into the POD directory for the program to work. PLAYING THE GAME: Watch the demonstration to see how to play. The idea is to move your "POD" around a series of tracks, which removes them. However, you must be careful not to fall off, or leave yourself stranded with nowhere to go. To start, press any key. From the title screen, press CTRL plus a letter between A and T to start the game on the corresponding level (1 through 20. Eg CTRL+M will start the game on level 13). Press + to change the operation mode from 386, to 286, and XT modes (only from the title screen). Each mode is slightly faster than the previous, and the XT mode increases speed by reducing the number of images between moves of the POD craft. Press ESC during play to return to the title screen, and press ESC from the title screen to exit the game. Press P or SPACE during play to pause the game. Press S at any time to toggle sound on and off. Press F1 at any time for online help on how to play. Press F2 from the title screen to load a different POD file into memory. POD files must be kept in the same directory as the POD.EXE program. (This will only be of use to registered users as they receive the extra 60 levels and can also create their own POD files with the PODMAKE utility.)