Title : FRACAS.WAD Author : Chris Kane Misc. Author/level Info : Thank God for DOOM! It helps keep me sane! If you liked the level please let me know. I am very interested to hear what people think. This level is a total revamp of try2liv.wad not just a conversion to DOOM2. I spent as much time on new aesthetics and sounds as on the original structure. Much of the underlying level is the same but with many additions and new weird stuff. It's darker, bloodier, more violent, and very visceral. If you don't come away feeling weird then I failed. This wad is not for the beginning doomer. Send comments to: hardt@colorado.edu (will forward to author) Level Info :This level is meant to be played stand alone and not in the context of episodes or deathmatches. The monster placement is logical within the context of this single level, what you find, and how you play. The whole intent of this wad is supreme playability with brains and brawn. This is not just a moster bash although there is much carnage to be had. MUCH work was spent on feel and aesthetics. You should get sucked in, your nerves rattled, chewed up then spit out. Description : Locked deep within the Bowels of Mars are the playrooms of the Lords of Hell. Wave after wave of my buddies have been sent down to wipe out the infestation. None have returned. I'm next on the list. You would think that they could at least send me down with a plasma rifle. I guess there's a shortage of weapons and ammo. I'm sure I can find what I need down there off my dead buddies or what I kill. They expect me to die like all those before me. They keep forgetting that I am one geneticly engineered ^@###*$&# BADASS !! I am the "Wave of the Future" ! Additional Credits to : The makers of DOOM, DEU, and DMAUD, also to the makers of the Aliens.wad for the great ideas, and most of all my wife (who doesn't like DOOM but I still love her) ================================================================ * Play Information * Map # : map 1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No (you need to survive this one alone) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Hurt me plenty and Ultra Violence (don't do it - you're not worthy yet) New Sounds : Yes ! (evil, wicked, weird, and rockin) Note : crank up the special effects under the options! New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : try2liv.wad - refined, enhanced for doom2, major revamp, hom fix, and new stuff Build Time : A Lot Editor(s) / Utilities used : DEU521, DEU2, BSP, DMAUD Known Bugs : none known - play tested by Joel Gray, John Hardt, and others * Tips * (no spoilers) OK folks. You have panther-like reflexes! You can deal with pain! You live for the rush! Well .... this is a slightly different game. You must have the reflexes but you also better have a brain! Keep your eyes open. Things are there for a reason. There are subtle clues and warnings. DON'T get locked into one form of play or thinking. You can live if you are flexible. You don't have to kill everything or get all the weapons to get through. Remember, there is more than one way to skin a cat! Look, look LOOK!! * Starting Tip * Start aggressive then back off. At all times be ready to turn up the juice. Don't try to figure out all the tricks and weird stuff first time around just try to live. And watch your step !! * Challenge * I defy anyone to get through this level on the first try (on Hurt Me Plenty) with no saves. It is not a monster fest but I don't think the master DOOMers have the brains to go with the brawn. If you do succeed at this challenge I want to know so I can pay homage to the true DOOM gods and goddesses out there. I have heard they exist but alas, I fear it is only legend. After you die and learn the level. Be a stud and do the right thing at the end. You'll know what the best DOOMers would do!! * Note * Every item can be obtained. I intended for one item in particular (BFG?) to be unattainable. A true gaming god told me (the designer) how to get it. It's so simple really. I am humbled..... * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * :CompUServe :alt.binaries.doom **If you read this far you're as lame as me for writing this much.