================================================================ Title : Josh's DOOM ][ Sounds Variety Pack WAD Filename : JOSH.WAD Authors : Josh Thompson w/ just a *little* help from Ian Matthews Email Address : josht@access.digex.net JoshThomp on AOL Misc. Author Info : High school students at Eleanoor Roosevelt in Greenbelt, MD. Josh likes computers, Ian is obsessed with volleyball. Are you bored yet? Description : This WAD is a collection of sounds that I had lying around in my \SOUNDS\ directory. Plus, I also included some converted MIDI files. The sounds include: Simpsons characters (Krusty, Bart, Barney, Homer) Richard Nixon Fozzy Bear Al Bundy Arnold Schwartzenegger (sp?) Butthead A Cow The music includes: The Hallelujah Chorus The 1812 Overture Part of Beethoven's 5th Symphony The Blue Danube Flight of the Bumblebee Ode to Joy Mozart: K.622 Fugue in D Minor Run God mode (iddqd) to find out the one real graphics change. Additional Credits to : id software (of course), the guys who wrote WAD Master, whoever wrote the MIDI to MUS program ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : N/A Single Player : N/A Cooperative 2-4 Player : N/A Deathmatch 2-4 Player : N/A Difficulty Settings : N/A New Sounds : *Yes* New Graphics : Hardly any New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : None Editor(s) used : Wadmaster, some MIDI to MUS converter Known Bugs & Limitations: Classical music tends to play too quiet on my system, but its okay. Its just background anyway. * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. *However*, because this is just a sound WAD, I wouldn't suggest it for writing level WADs. Just write your level WAD and let the user load both if they want both. Plus, many level editors choke on WADs with no levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. BTW, I would be flattered. * Where to get this WAD * Where you found it, duh! FTP: ftp.cdrom.com