Cheap DOOM, DOOM II, HERETIC Multi Player Game Setup Program v1.10 Beta Copyright (C) 1995, Colin Holywell This is a replacement for SETUP.EXE (just for mutiplayer game selection) and/or id's DeathManager. This program offers a much greater range of options and flexiblity of the options. It offers Chat mode for Modem play (when all ready connected) and Null-Modem games (soon, maybe). It passes the options through a responce file instead of the command-line and can reuse the responce file for later games saving you the hassle of having to select everything again. Up to tem WAD files can be tagged and saved for later use. This does NOT replace SERSETUP.EXE and/or IPXSETUP.EXE! !!! This program is FREEWARE !!! This is a Beta version so be on the look out for bugs. !!! Chat mode is availible when Modem.AllreadyConnected is select just before you select GameOptions. This has not been tested yet. Some one tell me if it works. Chat mode for the null-modem might be added: Visual Basic doesn't like to open the COM port when there is a null modem connected to it. !!! No testing has been done with the DOOM 1 version, and the HERETIC/sw version. I have only tried a couple times. Most, if not all is done with DOOM ][ v1.666. Files: ===== SETUP2.EXE - Main EXE SETUP2.TXT - This file (duh?) MYWAD.ZIP - Is the Deathmatch .WAD I made for DOOM ][ FILE_ID.DIZ - Describes file for BBS's SETUP 2 will also create the files RESPONCE.TMP and WADLIST.TMP. Background: ========== v1.00 This first version was a load of crap. I wrote it because I needed a program that would allow me to play Doom II in turbo mode and use a WAD file over the modem. Since id's SETUP.EXE doesn't allow that. v1.01 Added a couple of options and color. v1.02 I got a Null-Modem cable! Added Network and Null-Modem support. v1.03 Added allot of options. v1.04 Added more color and a couple more options. v1.05 Beta Totally rewrote code. Added more options. All parameters that DOOM II offers are used. (so I thought) Added summary of the options selected before loading game. First public release! v1.05 Beta_1 Contains versions for DOOM, DOOM II, and HERETIC. Installation program and a copy of my deathmatch WAD for DOOM ][. v1.06 Beta Instead of passing options through command line it generates a file called RESPONCE.TMP to pass to DOOM (or what ever game you use). It can be deleted at any time. Ooooops, forgot to include developement mode and IRQ: Fixed. V1.07 Beta Minor update: If RESPONCE.TMP exists it asks if you wan't to use the options conatined in that file instead of retyping them all over again. Docs changed a little bit. v1.10 Beta Now there is no need to have three different versions to use on Doom, Doom II and Heretic. SETUP 2 will look for the .WAD file in the current directory. It will work with the shareware versions too. Removed INSTALL.EXE, DOOM.ZIP, DOOM2.ZIP and HERETIC.ZIP since they are all included in one program. And now up to ten WAD files can be tagged in a selection box and be saved for later use. Futer Versions: ============== v1.11 - Chat mode for Null-Modem, Visual Basic doesn't like to open the COM port with Null-Modem on it. v2.00 - Maybe....Popup windows, selection boxes etc... real neat graphical stuff. Maybe a long time for this since it will take a while. Maybe not at all. Other Crap: ========== ** Disclaimer: The author of this programs assumes no responciblity for what it does to your computer or any thing else. You use this program at you own risk. When distributing this software in any form it must contain all original files. No files can be taken out or added and can not be modified. DOOM, and DOOM II are copyrights of id Software. Heretic is a copyright of Raven Software. Any comments, complaints, suggestions? Send them to Colin Holywell through Fidonet Netmail at 1:140/1701.0 or the iD/DOOM echo or the Internation PC Gaming echo.