List of Environment variables used in DOS Navigator: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DN - Directory name where DN system files are placed. OS2COMSPEC - Full pathname of OS/2 command interpreter (if you have OS/2 v2.10 or newer). For example (DOS session AUTOEXEC.BAT): SET OS2COMPSEC=C:\OS2\CMD.EXE DNOVR - Directory name where DN.OVR (overlay file) is placed. DNSWP - Temporary files of DN will be stored here DNDLG - Directory name where DN.DLG & DN.LNG (resource files) are placed. DNLNG - Reserved for future use (Multi-lingual support) DNIDLE - Program name to start after 1 hour inactivity (only if screen saver is turned off) DNCFG - String to be added to name of configuration file. For example: you are using two different configurations in DOS and OS/2. You can set DNCFG = OS2 in DOS session Autoexec.BAT to store DN configuration under OS/2 in file DNOS2.CFG. Note: if you want to use this variable, you can copy file DN.CFG to file with name defined by you, after that you just have to make necessary changes. DNDSK - Same string for default desktop (DN.DSK) name.