I have released a new version of Unixcorn. This is a program which lets you perform Windows commands from ANY DOS program. For example, you can get information on Windows' memory usage by typing "UC MEM" from any shell prompt. Features include: * Low memory usage. No TSRs or device drivers required. Uses only 80KB of Windows memory and 2% of system resources. Optional DOS TSR uses less than 256 bytes of DOS memory. Doesn't touch win.ini, system.ini, or put any files in your Windows directory. * Start Windows program from a DOS prompt with "UC RUN" * Detailed memory usage with "TASKS", "MODULES", "MEM", and "HEAPWALK" commands. See every last byte of memory your Windows program uses (ideal for developers). * End tasks, even those that refuse to be killed by Task manager * Reposition, size, hide, and retitle any window * Play sounds, pop up message boxes, and change wallpaper from DOS * Compatible with MS-DOS and 4DOS batch files (since the commands DO run from real DOS prompts) * No commands disabled in shareware version, no nagware screens requiring a random button to be pressed * Easy to use Windows interface with full on-line help * Batch file support, customizable menus, aliases Windows 3.1 in 386 Enhanced mode or Windows 95 required. NEW IN VERSION 2.0: * Unixcorn automatically searches for and runs startup.ucb batch file on startup *** Added support for UnixcTSR - if loaded, uses this to increase the communication speed between Windows and DOS. Using UnixcTSR also fixes the occasional problem Unixcorn has of switching away from a DOS box which has the clipboard open. * Specifying a windowid of "+" will match the active window * The busy cursor is animated, so it's more obvious something is happening during long commands * Windows that are minimized and part of the Windows 95 taskbar are reported as so * Fixed erroneous reporting of "No response from Unixcorn" after a RUN -WAIT or ECHO command * Added -I option to UC to ignore output from Unixcorn and exit immediately (use with caution) *** UC writes an environment variable UCOUTPUT, so its output can be used more easily in batch files. Added -NE option to not write the environment variable, and -Evarname option to write the environment output to the specified variable name. The value of UCOUTPUT depends on the command being run. * Added INPUT command to pop up an input box and ask for a value. Result is printed, and stored in UCOUTPUT. * Added WHAT command to produce various single tidbits of information (screen resolution, Unixcorn version, Windows version, free resources, free memory, etc.) * Added "New Window" option on UcWin file menu to start another UcWin window * Added Usermenu menu to UcWin so that user menu options can be selected from within UcWin * Many bugs fixed; better error checking Unixcorn is cheap shareware. (Full registration $10, student registration $5, foreign registration - just a postcard.) Unixcorn can be found at the following FTP sites: winftp.cica.indiana.edu, in /pub/pc/win3/util/unixcn20.zip oak.oakland.edu, in /SimTel/win3/util/unixcn20.zip wuarchive.wustl.edu, in /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/win/unixcn20.zip This version replaces unixcn13.zip. Questions? Comments? Feel free to email me at rspangle@micro.caltech.edu