INSTALLAION 1. Copy the following files to a directory of your choice to hold the WinFin program files: WINFIN.EXE WINFIN.WRI GSW.EXE GSWDLL.DLL 2. Copy all other files with file extensions VBX or DLL to your \Windows\System directory. NOTE: If you do not have the file VBRUN300.DLL in your \Windows\System directory, you will need to download it from your BBS and place it into this dirctory. PLEASE take the time to printout, or at least read, the WINFIN.WRI file. These are the instructions for the program. PROBLEMS This program uses several files to your \windows\system directory. If you experience a problem trying to run WinFin, it is most likely due to an older version of one of these files elsewhere on your hard disk. Most likely in your \windows directory. Thus when WinFin loads it looks for these files and uses the first one of the name it needs. If this is an older version, you will get an error message. For example, after a successful installation and upon running WinFin, you may get an error message saying you are using an old version of CMDIALOG.VBX. The reason is that when WINFIN.EXE loads, it looks for CMDIALOG.VBX. If you have an old version in your \windows directory and a new version in your \windows\system directory, the program will use the first one it comes across in your path. The cure for this problem is to do a file search for the file named as causing the problem. You may be surprised to find the same file name in 2 or 3 different locations. The only one you want is the the most current one which will be in your \windows\system directory. Rename the other copies to CMDIALOG.OLD. When you do this you may get another error notice that the file is in use and cannot be renamed or deleted. If this happens, simply exit windows and you may even have to reboot. You may have to rename or delete the file from DOS. Remember, you want the files in \windows\system, so these should not be deleted or renamed.