COMMITMENT TO QUALITY Redei Enterprises is committed to quality in both products and customer service. We consider quality as a result of our relation to customers. Customers are essential source of improvement. They have the best knowledge of theirs needs. They are the best testers of our products. Redei Enterprises encourages it's customers to contact us anytime with any problem, with any suggestion or need. In exchange to their involvement in our product development we offer free upgrade (except shipping and media costs) for those registered customers who at least once submitted any recommendation. ASP OMBUDSMAN This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536. CONTACTING REDEI ENTERPRISES You may contact Redei Enterprises at any of the following locations: Redei Enterprises 1424 Brett Pl., Suite 359 San Pedro, CA 90732 Fax/Phone: (310) 832-6984 Beeper: (310)719-0062 CompuServe: 71744,3633 America Online: REDEI@AOL.COM COPYRIGHT INFORMATION All Redei Enterprises Software programs are protected under the copyright laws of the United States and foreign countries. All rights are reserved to Redei Enterprises. Violations of copyright laws are investigated by the FBI. Distribution of Redei Enterprises products implies that you have read and agreed to the distribution terms described below. INTENT Redei Enterprises seeks to distribute its shareware as widely as possible. However, we want the end-users of our software to be properly informed that it is shareware. ASP VENDORS If you are an ASP Vendor or BBS Member, then you have prior permission to distribute Redei Enterprises packages. DISTRIBUTOR INFORMATION AND LICENSE INFORMATION The license information and distribution requirements in this document supercede all previous license statements. To continue to distribute Redei Enterprises products, you must adhere to the licensing and distribution requirements below. If you are a mail order or BBS-type distributor of shareware software, you may distribute these programs as they are, without any changes other than expanding files contained in the ZIP archives. However, you have a responsibility to check from time to time, at a minimum interval of 6 months, for new versions of these programs, and to update your copies in a timely manner. Redei Enterprises will gladly send you a diskette containing the current versions on request. You must fully identify all Redei Enterprises programs in your advertising, by the program's full name and version, and indicate the registration fee in the program description. The word Redei Enterprises must appear in all program descriptions. SHAREWARE DISCLOSURE REQUIRED All advertising and packaging information including references to Redei Enterprises products must contain a statement explaining the shareware concept. Specifically, that statement must explain that shareware software MUST be registered by the user, after a trial period, by paying a registration fee, and that all monies paid for the shareware version are duplication and distribution charges only. The declaration specified by the Association of Shareware Professionals is a good model. All such statements must be clearly displayed in a position where they are likely to be read by potential customers. RETAIL RACK AND CD-ROM DISTRIBUTION If you distribute shareware in a retail setting in racks, store displays, vending machines, at computer fairs, or in any way other than normal BBS or catalog-based sales, you must contact Redei Enterprises for permission to distribute any Redei Enterprises program. Rack or retail-like sales require a special distribution license, normally requiring royalties paid to Redei Enterprises. If you distribute shareware on CD-ROM disks, you must also contact Redei Enterprises before including any Redei Enterprises shareware program on a CD-ROM disk. Normally, permission is granted, but current versions must be included and all old versions of any Redei Enterprises program removed from any CD-ROM disk containing Redei Enterprises products.