Summary of Editor Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F1 - Print this message. ÄÄ - Deletes to left of the cursor. F2 - Prints poem on printer. Num Lock - Toggles use of arrows vs #'s F3 - Saves poem on disk. ÄÄÙ - Enter line and move down one. F4 - Loads poem from disk. arrows - Cursor in shown direction. F5 - Adds a random line to poem. Del - Deletes on top of the cursor. F7 - Delete current line. Ins - Toggles INSERT mode. F8 - Retrieve last deleted line. Home - Move cursor to top of poem. F10 - Exit from editor. End - Move cursor to bottom of poem. Summary: Sestinas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. The sestina form consists of thirty-nine lines, arranged in six six-line stanzas plus an "envoi" (a final stanza of three lines). 2. Instead of concerning itself with rhyme, the poem builds its order on the systematic repetition of six words at the ends of the lines--and in the envoi, where three of the six are used at the ends of the three lines and three of the words are used in the middles of the three lines. 3. The matrix you are now working with shows the preferred order of the six words throughout the poem.