You were summoned here by the forces of good that live beyond this existence. A terrible spirit known as KHALAL is about to be awaken from his damnation of eternal sleep by his worshipers. I know this is about to happen because his wraith has been seen wandering the many countries of the South. I and many who follow good will give you some useful hints along the way. Do not hesitate to visit our homes. However, I don't know if we have any of Khalal's followers infiltrated in our group, so use your good judgement and do not hasten your decisions. Do not hasten the pace of your mission either, you will surely die. Unfortunately I have nothing to offer you, but the King has recently started a job placement program... maybe, if you worked for him, you could earn some money to better equip your self. By the way, before you leave remember that you can move diagonally in the land by using the numeric-keypad keys 1, 3, 7, and 9. For example to go North-West press the number 7, to go South-West press the number 1. Ahh, and when you can avoid a battle, the best thing to do is to escape...