And explanation of UltraSoft's Online BBS Sound Effects. -------------------------------------------------------- It has come to our attention that some users of UltraSoft Games, (all of which include considerable Online Sound Effects), may not fully understand what this is or how it works. No problem.. It is a fairly new addition to Online Gaming and this document will endeavor to explain the concept. Online Sound, sometimes called ANSI Music, (though we have no idea why, since it has nothing to do with the ANSI Driver), is not something that is included in most BBS Door Games, much like the UltraSoft Animation concept. It is a real plus to any Online Door, IF the caller can process it, but it takes a special terminal program to do so. If a Terminal Program does not support Online Sound, and it is still enabled inside a game, the caller will see what appears to be "junk" on their screen. i.e. [MB01T255L124GP45O>AP34] etc, often followed by a musical symbol. This is NOT line noise. It is Online Sound that the Terminal Program cannot process or isn't processing. In this case they must simply disable Sound from the Menu of the Game. The two Terminal Programs at present that process Online Sound, are QModem and TeleMate, both fine and very advanced programs. If you or your callers are not using one of these, we highly recommend them. The Makers of FXTerm, (of ROBOBoard fame), also tell UltraSoft that they are "working on" the concept of Online Sound for FXTerm. We commend them for recognizing the advancements being made in this area and the possible future addition of Online Sound to their Terminal Package, FXTerm. Rumor also has it that the popular Telix Terminal Program will feature online sound in future releases. All of UltraSoft's Action Online Games provide the /L feature as a Parameter to run the games locally without installing them into a BBS System first.. This is for the sake of full Game Evaluation, before a Sysop commits to an INSTALL, which in some cases can be more than interesting. UltraSoft, of course, greatly simplifies this process with our EZ-INSTALL Utilities.. When you are running an UltraSoft Game locally with the /L parameter, OR locally, after BBS installation, and select Sound ON, you will hear a lot of sound effects throughout the games. This can be somewhat distorted locally if run under some Multi-Tasking environments, because of time slicing, But never fear, this is not the case from the remote side, when a caller is online. In any case, though the UltraSoft Games are silent on the Sysop end while a caller is online, the caller is hearing the same sound effects that the Sysop heard, when running the games in Local mode. This is assuming that the caller has Sound Turned ON and has a compatible Terminal Program, as discussed above. At UltraSoft, we feel that Online Sound/Music is a BIG addition to the excitement of playing a DoorGame, and hope more and more products begin to feature this. So take advantage if you can, and please advise your callers accordingly.. We hope this helps to clear up any confusion.. =UltraSoft