-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WarLord (beta 0.5) is copyright (c)1995 HM Software -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By: Wesley Reiser (wesley.reiser@ulbbs.sccsi.com) DISCLAIMER (gotta have it!) The author of WarLord has taken every precaution to insure that no harm or damage will occur on computer systems operating the WarLord add-on package. Actually, its practically impossible for this program to do any harm since its just plain TEXT files! But, since this is a BETA copy, there will probably be some bugs in it! If you encounter any bugs or problems, please send an Internet E-Mail to wesley.reiser@ulbbs.sccsi.com (or an E-Mail to Wesley Reiser on most South New Jersey Bulletin Boards) and explain the problem. Oh yeah, one last note, if in any way for any reason this causes any damages to any hardware/software, I take no responsibity. But dont worry! Its improbable that anything will go wrong! LICENSE AGREEMENT (cant forget this!) The WarLord add-on program, installation and uninstallation programs, and documentation are copyrighted products of HM Software and Wesley Reiser. Wesley Reiser reserves all rights to these products. This is protected by the United States of America (USA) and International Copyright Laws. In no way shall WarLord be reproduced or modified in any form or method without prior written permission from Wesley Reiser. No fee may be charged by any agency other than Wesley Reiser or HM Software beyond the cost of a disk, CD-ROM, or BBS membership plan without written permission from Wesley Reiser. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. About WarLord (isn't that always the first page?) 2. Installation Instructions 3. Updates 4. Questions 5. How to contact the Author 6. Registering WarLord 7. Technical junk (Read only if you want to make your own version) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *** 1. About WarLord *** Have you ever started playing LORD (Legend Of the Red Dragon), either locally or on a BBS and think, besides getting killed by John Doe today its still the same thing! You use up your forest fights, kill a few people, (if available)go to Other places and try to get a little further. I am not putting LORD down or anything, but most boards have the default of 10 heroic deeds set up to finish the game! If you noticed, it could take a couple of months just to do 1 heroic deed! So, to actually finish the game, it could take well over a year and 1/2! I dont know if its just me, but I like to finish games within 2 months! Most people like to have friends in the realm so they cant kill a lot of people! Well, I am one of those people that trys to kill that guy that is 3 levels higher than me! Now, thats when I started realizing that if I saved up my money and killed that guy, I would get a LOT of experience! Thats the MAIN reason I decided to write this program! First, it gives LORD a totally new look, the menus are more colorful and I think they look a lot more attractive! The second reason, the storyline of this game puts all the players into a WAR situation. No players have friends! Its something like, kill or be killed! This makes the game more interesting. *NOTE* A lot of people think that it makes the game more violent! That is incorrect! Since it is not legal for me to edit the LORD.EXE file and distribute it, this program only changes the little things. (ALL the screens, and 30% of the monsters) *** 2. Installation Instructions *** Installing WarLord should be a simple process since all it does is it renames your current lenemy.dat and lordtxt.dat files to lenemy.old and lordtxt.old. -=-=Batch Installation=-=- To use the batch files for installation simply extract the contents of the zip file to any directory (you probably already did that!) Run the file INSTALL.BAT with a parameter of where your LORD is installed. *Example* INSTALL.BAT C:\LORD Its that easy! To Uninstall simply move to your LORD directory at the DOS prompt and type UNINSTAL.BAT (or UNINSTAL). But please note, if you haven't already installed WarLord before running this file, you will lose a few files LORD needs to run! ** If for some reason you did run the Uninstall program first, here ** is how you fix it... ** You must have your original Lord zip file to fix this problem! ** Inside of the lord.zip file you will find the two files that you ** are missing. Look for lenemy.dat and lordtxt.dat. Ok, extract or ** move them to your lord directory and its all fixed up! ** Of course, who is dumb enough to run the uninstall program first? =) -=-=Manual Installation=-=- If for some reason you need to do a manual installation here is how... Go to your LORD directory and rename the following files... lenemy.dat to lenemy.old lordtxt.dat to lordtxt.old Now, rename wenemy.dat to lenemy.dat rename wartext.dat to lordtxt.dat Ok, now move both of them files to your LORD directory and its all set up! *** 3. Updates *** If you would like to recieve updates of this program, you can look on America Online soon, many 609 AC boards, FTP (site should be available soon), or see 6. Registering WarLord later in this file... I plan to update all monsters, screens, and so on in the near future... The screens are all finished now, but I have more ideas to add to them! The monsters are only about 30% complete so far, so I have to finish them up still! I also will be updating them... Also, if a good ammount of people register this program, I will be updating the RIP screens also! I will update both the lordrip.dat and the icons in the lordicon.zip file. Of course it will be all new files! Instead of the nice street with people walking around, it will look like a war zone! But thats up to you! See 6. Registering WarLord for more info. *** 4. Questions *** --= Why are there no RIP screens with WarLord? =-- ** If this program gets some registered users and some attention ** ** I will create the new RIP screens everyone wants! ** --= I thought this program was FREEWARE, why would I register it? =-- ** Yes, this program is FREEWARE, you dont have to send me a cent ** ** to use it! But I took a lot of my time to write this program ** ** so you and your callers could enjoy it! If everyone would send ** ** me some spare change, it would make me want to add more and ** ** more to my program, and possibly write more programs. ** ** Like I said earlier, I WILL add more if a few people register! ** --= What do I get if I register? =-- ** Well, the main thing you get is knowing that you helped another ** ** person out by making his hard spent time worth something! ** ** But, thats probably not enough, so you also get all newer ** ** versions, by E-Mail, and you will get added to my mailing list ** ** for all new programs I write in the future. (Shareware, or ** ** FREEWARE only! I cant give you ALL my registered programs!) ** --= Where do I send my registration money? =-- ** See chapter 6 for more information on registering ** *** 5. How to contact the author *** You can contact me, Wesley Reiser in the following ways... Internet E-Mail: wesley.reiser@ulbbs.sccsi.com I call a lot of BBS's in South New Jersey, here are the most frequent ones I call and their numbers... Union Lake BBS 609-327-5553 Holly City BBS 609-825-1621 Rainmans Sporadic BBS 609-794-8883 Bigfoot Express BBS 609-327-6672 K'tithrak Mang BBS 609-453-0541 I would also put down my BBS's number, but its not open yet! I have to update it first. If you are interested in calling my board when it opens send me an E-Mail to my internet address or call one of the above boards and leave an e-mail to Resley Reiser. Tech support is available via the internet address also. Or you can contact me via snail mail at... WarLord c/o Wesley Reiser 515 Clarendon Ave. Vineland, NJ 08360-3318 *** 1. Registering WarLord *** Ok, you are probably thinking "I thought this was a FREEWARE program"!!! Well, it is, you dont have to send me 1 cent! But I took a lot of my time to write this program so you and your callers could enjoy it! If everyone would send me some spare change, it would make me want to add more and more to my program, and possible write more programs. Like I said earlier, I WILL add more if a few people register! Another benefit of registering is you will get ALL newer updated versions via E-Mail UUENCODING! You will get the newest version before it is available for download on BBS's. You will also get the satisfaction of knowing that I will take all donations and put them to my future of programming! I am saving up for C++ and Turbo Pascal as we speak. I have already purchased Visual Basic Pro for Windows version 3.0. I then realized that my life was meant for programming and making people happy with my programs, so I decided to start with this little program! Its not a programmed program, but it did take me a long time to create! Anyway, sorry about blabbing on about my life... Here is my address to send any donations to. If you dont want to send anything, I understand! You are too greedy to send that $3 or $4 dollars from your pocket! Just kidding... Send any ammount to.... Once again, thanx for BETA testing my program for me! - Wesley Reiser WarLord c/o Wesley Reiser 515 Clarendon Ave. Vineland, NJ 08360-3318 ** 7. Technical Junk ** (Coming in next version!) Enjoy....