@CLS@ User Record Display Abbreviations ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The user record display you have viewed contains short abbreviations for most of the user information. Some are easy to understand, some more difficult. This file will 'splain the ones most likely to require some thought. Addr1: The first Line of your address. Addr2: The first Line of your address (usually unnecessary). Zcode: Your ZipCode or Postal Code. Cntry: The Country or Kingdom in which you live. VFone: Your VOICE telephone Number. DFone: Your DATA or FAX telephone Number. SecLv: Your security level. PWord: Your present password. Change it if someone else has just seen it! UC: Your user comment. This can be displayed to other callers so only place information in this field you do not mind other persons being aware of. @WAIT@ @CLS@ LCall: The date you last called this system. TCall: The total number of times you have called this system. Today: Number of times you have logged onto this system today. MsgsL: The total number of messages you have written on this system. PgLen: Your currently selected screen size in vertical lines. Usually this is set to 24 if you are in 25x80 text mode. Page?: Are you accepting CHAT requests from callers on other nodes? @WAIT@ @CLS@ $Rcvd: Total monies received to credit your account. $Hour: Your cost per hour to use this bbs. (Does not include any phone charges). HUsed: Number of PAID hours your account has been assessed. HLeft: Number of PAID hours you have remaining when your account balance is divided by the cost per hour. This should be used as reference only. $$Bal: The amount of money which is available in your account. @WAIT@ @CLS@ Proto: Your selected file transfer protocol. PFlag: Are you authorized to use PRIVATE PERSONAL file transfers? PFile: Do you have any PRIVATE PERSONAL files available for downloading to your system? FileU: Total Number of files you have uploaded from your system to this BBS. FileD: Total Number of files you have downloaded from this BBS to your system. FileT: Number of files you have downloaded from this BBS to your system TODAY. ByteU: Total Number of BYTES you have uploaded from your system to this BBS. ByteD: Total Number of BYTES you have downloaded from this BBS to your system. ByteT: Number of BYTES you have downloaded from this BBS to your system TODAY. EXPIRE: The date your subscription expires. Even if you use a COST-PER-HOUR subscription, this date *must* not be reached to avoid having your security level lowered automatically. @WAIT@