============================= The RKWARE uuxqt history file ============================= Be sure to join the waftogt mailing list for the latest information on WAFTOGT, EXPMAIL, and (of course) uuxqt. Send mail to mailserv@ctsbbs.com with 'subscribe waftogt' in the body of the message to join. 1.10 - 01 JUL 95 ================ - UUXQT can now act as an exploder for mailing lists and other things. This means that it can take mail arriving for certain userids and redirect it into a special message area. This is very useful when a number of people on your system subscribe to the same list, and you want to cut it down to one copy. This feature is limited to registered copies of the program. To use this feature, you must create a file with the userids and directories, and also change your static file to point to this file. If I decided to call my list 'c:\gt\explode.lst', and redirect 'telecom-d' to 'c:\lists\telecom', I would do the following: - Add "uuxqt.explodelist: c:\gt\explode.lst" to my static file - Create the file c:\gt\explode.lst in my favorite editor, and add this: telecom-d,c:\lists\telecom This feature will become very helpful when it comes time to start passing G-bags via UUCP (more on this in a later release!) - Some people experienced problems related to having too much disk space available. This caused a wraparound in the variable that holds the amount of free space available, and tricked the code into thinking that the disk was almost full. If you encounter this problem, just tell uuxqt to stop checking disk space by putting 'nodisk' on the command line. - The date parsing and day of week computing routines have been cleaned up to fix several anomalies that popped up recently. - UUXQT will now pass on mail destined for other UUCP systems. It determines what is local and what is not from the "uucpname" and "node" entries in your static file. These are some possibilities for local mail on my system: rkroll@ctsbbs.com rkroll@cmptech cmptech!rkroll ctsbbs.com!rkroll rkroll (rkroll = me, cmptech = my uucpname, ctsbbs.com = my domain name) Anything else would be treated as an offsite message, and it will be passed to rmail, and also killed if you have that enabled. This will give users the option of feeding other UUCP systems. Hopefully it will also wean people off WAFTOGT MAILIN. ( ahem :) ) ** For this to work, UUXQT must be able to find rmail! If it can't execute Waffle's rmail program, mail WILL go undelivered! A simple way to make sure this will work is to put Waffle's BIN directory in your system path. - A bug regarding the formatting of fields in the static file has been dispatched with a large can of RAID. May it rest in peace. - A bug linked to only being able to have 20 newsgroups in your 'groups' was stomped as well. uuxqt will now keep pulling in newsgroups from your 'groups' file until it runs out of lines in the file, or memory to allocate, whichever comes first. If someone out there is pulling in some huge amount of newsgroups (say, over 300 groups), let me know how well it runs. You may run in to some serious memory problems when going that high. If this happens, it looks like I'm going to have to add XMS/EMS support! - New feature: if a message that arrives on the system is a cross-post, uuxqt will add a hidden field to the message text that contains all the groups that the original post was destined for. - New feature: E-mail aliases. Registered users can setup a file that will allow mail to be redirected as they wish. One such alias might redirect "rkroll" to "Russell Kroll". Here is how you implement it: 1. Add a line to your static file similar to the following: uuxqt.aliases: c:\gt\aliases (Change the path to whatever file name you want it to be) 2. Start your favorite editor, telling it to create the file you just specified in step 1. The format for the aliases file is as follows: alias,realname Examples: rkroll,Russell Kroll ssperry,Scott Sperry The only limit to this file is the memory available when the program is running. - A little problem relating to letters following hyphens in names and uppercase vs. lowercase has been fixed. - UUXQT will now log the time and date when it starts running, and again when it finishes up. If any trappable errors are encountered (the kind that show up as "FATAL ERROR: [...]"), those will be logged as well, so that you can find out what happened. To activate this feature, a new field must be added to the static file. uuxqt.log: c:\gt\gt.log The log file format is the same as GT's itself, so it won't look out of place in the GT.LOG file, if you choose to have it write there. - UUXQT will now recognize the "uuxqt.killnews" tag in the static file. This is a bugfix, since this should have worked in 1.00. 1.00 - 26 FEB 95 ================ - Initial release of the RKWARE uuxqt.