Last update: 05/07/95 *** (* SIGNIFIES CHANGES SINCE LAST RELEASE!!) 1). Edit your RSCAN.CFG file to your liking. 2). Type RSCAN RSCAN.CFG /UPDATE **** Creates 2 files... LISTING.DAT and RSCAN.IDX 3). In your Synchronet's EXEC directory theres a file called, PNET.BAT. You'll need to edit it and add RSCAN to it. Mine looks like this: @ECHO OFF NODE STATUS=6 3 CD C:\SBBS\POSTLINK POSTLINK CALLER.CFG CD C:\SBBS\XTRN\RSCAN <--- This needs to be added * RSCAN RSCAN.CFG -E <---------| Thats is for setting up for EXPORTED mail, you don't HAVE to put RSCAN in your PNET.BAT, but it would make sure that it ran after your callout. Next, you'll want to edit whatever batch file runs your daily run for importing RIME. On the line after the POSTLINK CALLER.CFG, you'll want to run RSCAN RSCAN.CFG -I. The -I stands for import. That should do it! NOTE: RSCAN doesn't check for the dates within POSTLINK.LOG, so to be accurate the current POSTLINK.LOG needs to be for that day only. If there are multiple days within the log, it won't be accurate. ** POSTLINK.LOG RENAMING: If You have the configuration file set to (R)ename POSTLINK'S LOG file, it will rename it to POSTLINK with the appendage of the current day. EXAMPLE: Today is the 29th. My renamed log would show as POSTLINK.029 ** IMPORTING INTO MESSAGE BASE: This program uses Synchronet's SMBUTIL to import the .ASC file into the message base that you have chosen in RSCAN.CFG. If this utility isn't in your path, then nothing will be imported.