How to obtain a free YAAG.KEY: Currently YAAG supports 4 languages: Dutch, English, German, Italian and Polish. I'm not very familiair with other languages so here you may help me out. And in return receive a free YAAG.KEY and registered copy. What to do? - well just translate the helpscreen, the startup-screen and other language-dependent-info in the lister to your language (f.e. Russian, Spanish etc.) - also translate things like 'Totals for this area ', well actually everything that shows up in an allfileslisting which is hardcoded Before you start... ... send me a notification that you will start the translation and to what language. If you are the first you will get the job. If there is already someone working on the translation to your language, you have bad luck and will be notified of it. Why a translation? Well, as default, YAAG uses English, but there are ofcourse systems around which have their BBS completely in a native language (file-descriptions etc.). In some countries, people aren't that familiar with English so it might be convenient for non-English-speaking people to have also the extra info (and/or EXE-lister) in their native language. So if you want to start the translation please send me a netmail to one of my nodenumbers in YAAG.DOC. Other listerfiles in different languages will only be available to registered users of YAAG. Enjoy YAAG, Dick Pluim