Last WC Callers v1.1 <<**--------------------**>> Welcome to one of the BEST Last Caller utilities for a Wildcat! BBS... Last WC Callers v1.1 In simple, this tiny little program is used to create a bulletin or display file of the last 100, 1000, or even 9,999,999,999 (Nine BILLION!) last callers to your BBS! The best part is: It's VERY simple to use! INSTALLATION ------------ Installation is very straight-forward. Simply place the two files LASTWCC.EXE and LASTCALL.CFG in your C:\WC\WCWORK\NODE? directory (or wherever your DOOR.SYS file is created in). In the config file, place the following information. NUMKEEP=2000 <-------------- Line 1 EXCLUDE=Justin Pasher <-------------- Line 2 BBSNAME=Way Out There <-------------- Line 3 BYPASS=5,100 <-------------- Line 4 OUTFILE=D:\WC\BULL\BULL1.BBS /@CLS /@PAUSE <-------------- Line 5-40 OUTFILE=D:\WC\WCPRO.BBS /@CLS /NODE /@CODE <-------------- Line 6-40 ; Line 1: This is the number of callers to keep in the file. Default=2000 ; Line 2: This/These are the Names you want to keep from being printed into the file. ; Line 3: This is your BBS name (Max 50 Characters). ; Line 4: This/These are the security levels separated by commas to NOT print into the file. Until I can read the NODEINFO.DAT, this will be a number. (It is really the assigned MENU Access Level in MAKEWILD.DAT) ; Line 5-40: This is the file you want created by Last WC Callers that shows the last callers. Any options can be after the filename. Order does not matter. /@CLS - Add an @CLS@ to the top of the file. /NODE - Show the NODE the caller was on. /@PAUSE - Add an @PAUSE@ to the end of the file. /@CODE - Makes the specified file with @-color codes. NOTE: As of version 1.1 of Last WCC, the order of the lines in the config file do NOT matter! Therefore, as long as you start the line with one of the "key words" (EX: BBSNAME= , EXCLUDE= , etc.) it doesn't matter WHAT order they're in! You can put your OUTFILE= command FIRST if you like. It makes NO difference! NOTE: As of version 1.1 of Last WCC, RIP support has been added! If a file called LASTWCC.RIP exists in the current directory, it will add that file to the BEGINNING of a specified OUTFILE that ends in .RIP If the file does NOT exist, an internal RIP will be created. If you plan on using the LASTWCC.RIP file, you will need to edit the line that says: !|1U3S08DG0R0000<>NAME OF YOUR BBS<>|w04052C0W11|#|#|# by replacing your BBS name. EX: !|1U3S08DG0R0000<>Way Out There BBS<>|w04052C0W11|#|#|# After you have edited the CONFIG file, simply run LASTWCC.EXE. EXECUTION --------- If you would like, run LASTWCC.EXE with no perimeters and it will automatically look for the file LASTCALL.CFG in the current directory. If you want to keep separate CFG files, you can run the program as so: LASTWCC.EXE [name of CFG file] You will want to run the program IMMEDIATLY after the caller logs off to prevent Wildcat! from flushing the callers information clean from DOOR.SYS. Simply put a line in your POSTCALL.BAT that says: CD\WC\WCWORK\NODE1 LASTWCC.EXE That's all there is to it. Don't worry about me pressing you to register. It's FREEWARE! Thanks for using Lazor Software! Ú¿ ¿ ¿ ÚÂÄÄ¿ Ú¿ Ú¿ ÚÂÄÄ¿ Ú¿ ¿ ÚÄÂÂÄ¿ ÚÄÂÂÄ¿ Ú¿ ¿ ÚÂÄÄ¿ ÚÂÄÄ¿ ÚÂÄÄ¿ ô ³ ³ ÃÅÄÄ´ ÀÁÄÅ´ ô ³ ô ³ ô ô ÃÅÄÄ´ ÃÅÄ ÃÅÄÂÙ ÃÅÄ ÀÁÄÁÄÙ ÀÙ Ù ÀÄÄÁÙ ÀÁÄÄÙ ÀÁÄÄÙ ÀÙ ÀÙ ÀÙ Ù ÀÁÄÄÙ ÀÙ À ÀÁÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³  Running WildCat! Software  MEGA Door Selection! ALL the ³ ³ LATEST and GREATEST doors! ³ ³  LATEST Lazor Software Titles  Over 120 as of Sept 10, 1994! You³ ³ NEVER get bored! ³ ³  420 meg Conner Hard Drive.  REGISTERED versions of: LORD, ³ ³ Lotsa Files TW 2002, Usurper, and MORE! ³ ³  FREE Access on First Call!! ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ What are you waiting for? Call TODAY! (214) 680-2755