New User 95! Copyright (c) 1995 Thomas J. Smith Quick Start Instructions for New User 95! v1.0 Quick Step by Step Setup ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1) Unpack NEWUSR10.ZIP to its own directory, or any other directory that you wish it to reside in. 2) Change to the directory containing NEWUSER.EXE, and type, NEWUSER CONFIG on the command line to create your configuration file. 3) Decide wether to run the program from an event (daily, hourly, whatever), or from your POSTCALL.BAT file. 4) The command to start NEWUSER.EXE must include the name of the configuration file to use (NEWUSER NEWUSER.CFG, etc.). The "Config Mode" ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ When you type NEWUSER CONFIG on the command line, you will be taken in to "Config Mode" where you will be asked everything New User 95 needs to know, to write your configuration file for you. While in Config Mode, you can hit ENTER alone on a blank line to abort, EXCEPT when asked for your full path and file names for your activity log(s) for all 10 nodes. If you do not have the node asked for, then just hit ENTER on a blank line for NONE. - END OF QUICK.TXT -