@NOSTOP@ WELCOME TO THEADULT - THE AUTOMATED ADULT AREA ACCESS GRANTOR °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° THIS IS HOW IT WORKS : You will be shown a menu with the following choices : [A] This puts you into the question section.Answer all of the questions as truthfully as possible. This does not mean to fabricate anything. You will be asked your drivers liscense Number as well as what State issued it. You will also be asked what BBS's you already have ADULT level access on. Please, tell the truth. This will be verified. The last two lines of information ask you for the reason you should be allowed access into this BBS's ADULT section. You must enter some information. Just be honest as say you are a pervert looking for files to drool over. [R] This choice puts you into reading this file. [D] This choice will allow you to download this file so you will have it as a record of your using this program. [C] This choice will allow you to leave a comment to the SYSOP. We suggest you do this, for the SYSOP may be in a bad mood when he gets the message that you have been upgraded and reduce your access to less than it was before. [T] This choice will bring you to the AGREEMENT part of this whole thing. By entering in a "Y" in the location you are asked to, It will signify you agree to abide by all the rules and regulations pertaining to adult material in this State,Country, City,County and this BBS. It further states that you swear the information you placed in the BBS records that pertain directly to you such as your address, phones, name and Date of Birth are all Fact not Fiction. [E] This choice will bring you to the Editor. You can change any of the answers you had placed into the record for this adult section. It will not allow you to change your Name,DOB,Phone, or From info. If you have entered any of that bbs information incorrectly, comment the SYSOP and let him change it for you. [I] This choice will display the opening information screen giving you the steps to follow to complete the use of this program. [X] This choice will give you your record status as in the data base. The yellow colored answers are the ones you entered and may be changed by you in the editor. The white answers can only be changed by the SYSOP. If any of that information is true, let the SYSOP know by a Comment and They will be glad to change it for you. [Q] This choice will bring you back into the bbs. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° * * * Y O U M U S T U N D E R S T A N D * * * °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT. YOU MUST READ IT AND ABIDE BY IT'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS. RULES AND REGULATIONS FROM THIS BBS PERTAINING TO ADULT ACCESS ============================================================== [1] UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES TO YOU AS THE PERSON WHO EITHER DOWNLOADS OR UPLOADS ANY PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL FROM THIS BBS WILL ALLOW ITS VIEWING OR USE BY ANY PERSON UNDER THE LEGAL AGE OF MAJORITY, AS SET FORTH BY THIS STATE, COUNTY, CITY OR COUNTRY. [2] YOU WILL AT NO TIME ALLOW ANY ONE UNDER THE LEGAL AGE OF MAJORITY TO ACCESS THIS BBS WITH YOUR PASSWORD AND ALLOW THEM TO ENTER THE ADULT AREAS. [3] UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL YOU UPLOAD ANY ADULT MATERIAL TO BE UPLOADED INTO THE GENERAL BBS UPLOAD AREA [6]. ALL ADULT MATERIALS WILL BE UPLOADED INTO THE ADULT UPLOAD FILE AREA [82]. [4] YOU WILL CONDUCT YOURSELF AT ALL TIMES WITH CONTROL AND AND WILL NOT USE PROFANITY IN YOUR ACTIONS WHILE ON THIS BBS. [5] AS A USER, YOU WILL MAKE USE OF ALL AREAS OF THIS BBS. YOU WILL NOT JUST DOWNLOAD FILES. YOU WILL MAKE USE OF THE MESSAGE AREA AND GAME AREAS AS WELL. [6] AS A USER, YOU OF YOUR OWN FREE WILL HAVE ACCESS INTO THE ADULT AREA. YOU HAVE REQUESTED THIS ACCESS. YOU WILL IN ALL SITUATIONS INDEMNIFY THIS BBS AGAINST EVERYONE. IF ANY OF THE ABOVE ARE NOT FOLLOWED, THE SYSOP RETAINS THE RIGHT TO DROP YOU FROM THE BBS AND REPORT ANY MISCONDUCT TO THE PROPER AUTORITIS. @PAUSE@