This file will tell you how to use THEMESS(r),LOGON.WCX and LOGON1.WCX. All three files were made to work together. THEMESS(R) will not work properly if you do not use LOGON.WCX. LOGON.WCX will bring you through a normal WILDCAT! logon with the following exceptions. [1] When you logon in NODE 0 as /SYSOP, you will log directly on to the BBS only checking for new mail. [2] It will display the Next User Message delivered by THEMESS(r) to the next caller just before the Quote of the Day. LOGON.WCX will also call logon1.wcx and logon2.wcx if they exist. We have supplied you with the source code for LOGON.WCX and if you desire to make changes, please do. If you do, you will need to recompile the .WCC. The configure file for LOGON.WCX, LOGON.CFG is just one line. It should contain the full path and filename of the NEXT USER message generated by THEMESS.WCX. PLEASE NOTE. In the configure file for THEMESS(R), THEMESS.CFG, will contain the name for the NEXT USER message. You may change this information, but please, be consistant. THEMESS.WCX is the generator of the NEXT USER message. In it's configure file you determain the name and path of the file it will create. LOGON1.WCX is the program that reads a file called BADNUM.TXT. This file is simply a list of phone numbers you wish to hang up on. It will let the user enter their name at the prompt, look the numbers up, and then hang up the phone without explanation. The source code LOGON1.WCC is also included if you wish to make any changes. You need to place LOGON.WCX, LOGON.CFG, BADNUM.TXT and LOGON1.WCX in you Wildcat! home directory. [Ususally this is C:\WC40 of C:\WILDCAT] That's all. If you need tech support. Call 305 -233-1946