Where to contact the authors : 1st I would like to mention the fact that Eiman Alawi is a lovely lady from UAE. She volunteered to modify UTOTS to the best. I agreed and gave her a copy of the code and she modified it then I went over it quickly and released this beta version. If you notice any bugs please report them to her or me .... doesn't make any difference :) As a matter of fact she is the one who wasted her time to improve this version while I was far away in Kuwait waiting to get the modified code and put the final touches on it :). and here it is at last........... UTOTS V2.2á. If you like it send a post card to : Eiman Alawi P.O.BOX 25734 Abu Dhabi UAE or Saud Alshomer P.O.BOX 49523 Al-Omaria Kuwait 85156 Youy may also contact us at the following numbers : Eiman Alawi Ad-2000 BBS (9714) 500-5205 UAE (9714) 500-5206 Saud Alshomer Cool Man BBS (965) 473-0879 Kuwait Internet : saud@hsccwww.kuniv.edu.kw or drop me a note at MSI HQ BBS