Installation instructions for CView version 2.0: ------------------------------------------------- 1. CView was written to assist Compuserve members who have Windows 3.1, who use either WinCIM, CSNav or both and who need to have efficient access to their Compuserve file cabinet. If you don't fit in this category, you probably don't need CView. 2. CView was written in Visual Basic version 3. In order to run it, you must have a file called VBRUN300.DLL in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. If you get an error when running CView telling you you don't have this file, you will need to get it online. It is free and available in many Compuserve forums, including most that distribute shareware. If you cannot locate this file, send me an email and I will direct you to one. 3. CView comes with the following files. Program: CVIEW20.EXE Help: CVIEW20.HLP CVIEW.WRI INSTALL.TXT Support: COMMDLG.DLL CDIALOG.VBX MLIST.VBX THREED.VBX The program and help files should be put in a new sub- directory of your Compuserve directory, for example, C:\CSERVE\CVIEW. The support files should also be put in this subdirectory. Many people, particular people who use shareware, already have CDIALOG.VBX, COMMDLG.DLL and THREED.VBX in their C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM OR C:\WFW\SYSTEM subdirectory. If you do and want to save hard disk space by reducing duplication, make sure you keep a copy of your .zip file and then delete whichever files you have duplicates of. Sometimes version differences means this won't work, however. 4. Back up your file cabinet subdirectories. CView allows you to make a lot of changes to your directory very fast. Should you misunderstand how to use it or there's a bug, you could foul up your cabinet. EJW Ltd. cannot be responsible if this happens. You can try to use it just to view files and make sure that CView is working at all on your system. 5. Read CVIEW.WRI thoroughly to make sure you know what CView does and does not do. CView can be used in many different ways, only a few of which I mention. If you have a particular problem or concern, don't hesitate to get in touch with me. CVIEW.WRI and CVIEW20.HLP, the online help file, are substantially identical. I hope you find this product to be a help. Here are some last minute notes. -- CView may not look great at some colors and some screen sizes. If this happens to you, e-mail with the problem and I will see what I can do. Color and size customization is easier than reprogramming. -- CView has to examine every file cabinet file each time you enter a directory. If your computer is slow and your folders filled with messages, this could take a while. I apologize, but there was no way to avoid that and have the useful features CView has. -- When you enter the cabinet subdirectory, CView examines creates a list of folders which is minimized. You can use this list to help navigate the file cabinet or select a target directory. Andy Okun EJW Ltd.