Announcing Release 8.8 of Trade Wars Helper This release has incorporated several enhancements requested by user playing the MBBS version of Trade Wars. They include the ability to page a user or chat on the CommLink or subspace radio channel while a script, such as trading or exploring, is being executed and to encrypt messages sent on the subspace channel or comm-link (GUI versions only). Also the ability to automatically scan the subspace radio channels in the background has been added. Function keys (buttons in the GUI versions) to quickly move out of a sector, attack, capture or pursue a ship have been added or enhanced. A new command to fire a Photon Missile, optionally transport to another ship and follow the missile into the sector has been added. Other commands such as auto colonizing and buying shields have been improved. Also several useful Function Keys such as toggling ansi color have been added or enhanced. New Run Time Options (RTOs) are: automatically halt a script and optionally move out of a sector when someone moves in, halt a transwarp attempt when no marker fighter is present, automatically deploy fighter(s) when pursing a ship and several others. Trade Wars Helper continues to be fully compatible with all versions of Trade Wars (version 1.03, Version 2 Beta 5 and the Major BBS version). It's available in three different version ranging from the very fast standard version to the not as fast but no memory problem Protected Mode version. Choose the one that's best for your computer hardware! The ability to run a script and chat at the same time was not included in the standard version to maintain its very fast performance and handle a 5000 sector game in 550K of conventional memory. You can use the Real Mode version in text mode when you want the same fast performance and in GUI mode when you want to chat and run a script at the same time to get the best of both worlds! This latest release is named TWHELP88.ZIP and can be downloaded on the first call from the Just FUN Software BBS (801) 278-8839 and logging on as "Just Fun" with a password of "software". The file size is 255K and 14,400 bps capability is available. This archive contains the program module for a 5000 sector universe but not the GUI versions. The GUI versions are in a separate zip file named TWHGUI88.ZIP. Its file size is 410K. There is a real mode version that can handle around 4000-5000 sectors and a protected mode version which handles 5000 sectors. Although the GUI is normally available to registered users only, this zip file contains an example data file that allows unregistered users to check out the GUI. Trade Wars Helper - The fastest, most complete and versatile, best graphics and lowest priced helper program around! Don't leave FedSpace without it!