Version: PRIME 5.0a for Excel ... 5/30/95 ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> NOTE: PLEASE REVIEW THIS FILE. IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT <<<<< >>>>> LAST MINUTE INFORMATION. <<<<< ----------------------------------------------------------------- PRIME 5.0 for Excel is installed via an automated setup. 1. Exit Excel if it’s already running. 2. Go to Program Manager, select File then choose Run. 3. Type "a:\setup.exe" (without the quotes) and press Enter or click OK. (If you’re installing from your b: diskette drive, type "b:\setup.exe".) 4. Follow the instructions on the installation screen. 5. When installation is complete, it leaves you in Notepad to review the latest PRIME 5 README.TXT file. Exit Notepad when you’ve reviewed any relevant late-breaking news. 6. Start Excel. You’ll see PRIME 5’s toolbar displayed. If for some reason you don’t see it, select View on the main menu bar, select Toolbars, scroll down the Toolbars list until you see "PRIME 5.0," select the PRIME 5.0 check box, then click OK. Each PRIME 5 utility has its own menu item hanging off various standard menu bar commands, as well as its own button on the PRIME 5.0 toolbar. ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> PRIME 5.0 Important Stuff - 5/30/95 <<<<< ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. All documentation for PRIME 5.0 is provided in the on-line help file, P5.HLP. This file can be accessed from the PRIME 5.0 toolbar, the help buttons on the individual utility dialog boxes, or Excel's Help menu bar. 2. To register call 800-317-5525 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (or 314-965-5630 outside the U.S.). 3. For technical support call 314-965-5630 or post a message on CompuServe's WOPR forum (GO WOPR). 4. PRIME 5.0 for Excel is compatible with Excel 5.0, 5.0a, and 5.0c (all 16-bit versions) running under all currently available Windows operating systems: * Windows 3.1 * Windows for Workgroups 3.1 and 3.11 * Windows NT 3.5 * Windows 95 A separate version is available specifically for 32-bit Excel 5. You can order "PRIME 5.0 for Excel NT/95" directly by calling Advanced Support Group at 800-317-5525 (314-965-5630 outside the U.S.). 5. Excel 5.0 and Excel 5.0a (the "a" suffix indicates a maintenance release) are missing several important visual features related to custom menu items and custom toolbar buttons. These custom objects should inherit (a) the status bar text of their assigned macros, (b) the help context ID of their assigned macros, and (c) the custom help file’s name. (When you click on a custom toolbar button with Excel's Help button -- and that button has been assigned to a macro -- if the macro has a "help context ID" then you'll immediately see the appropriate help file topic for that custom button. The same effect occurs when you select a custom menu item then press F1.) But they do not inherit these important properties in Excel 5.0 and 5.0a. Instead, these objects display inappropriate values on the status bar and, when clicked with the Help button, go to Excel's help file instead of the correct custom help file. These very useful features only work properly in Excel 5.0c. As of this writing "c" is the very latest maintenance release. We urge you to upgrade to 5.0c by calling Microsoft at 800-426-9400. It's a free upgrade. ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> PRIME 5.0 Known Bugs - 5/30/95 <<<<< ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Under certain circumstances, the book-level built-in names Print_Area and Print_Titles may refuse to be deleted by Name Assistant. 2. When you run P5UNINST.XLS it may report "Cannot access 'PRIME5.XLA'" Retry/Cancel/Help. Click Cancel twice to continue. You may have to quit Excel, start it up again and run P5UNINST.XLS a second time to complete the uninstall. This is due to a problem with Microsoft's STORAGE.DLL version 2.02 and Microsoft's Add-In Manager not being compatible, and Microsoft is working on a solution. 3. When you run P5UNINST.XLS it may report an Error 75 on ZOOMXL.XLL. Click OK to continue. Now quit Excel, start it up again and run P5UNINST.XLS a second time to complete the uninstall. ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> PRIME 5.0 Utility Descriptions - 5/30/95 <<<<< ----------------------------------------------------------------- * PRIME 5.0 Application Programming Interface -- You can call PRIME 5.0 subroutines and functions from within your own VBA code. 40+ in total. See help topic "You Can Call PRIME 5 Custom VBA Functions and Subroutines." * Cell Protection Viewer -- PRIME Cell Protection Viewer provides an at-a-glance visual display of all unlocked or locked (or both) cells in the current worksheet. The utility can examine either the current selection or the used area. You can also set your own preference settings for the desired outcome of both cell protection states. * Create ProgMan Icon -- From within Excel create a Program Manager Item for the current workbook in the Program Group of your choice. You can also add a new Program Group, all from the same dialog box. * Name Assistant -- PRIME Name Assistant provides a list of all names in the current workbook, including hidden names, and displays statistics for those names. Name Assistant also allows you to go to a range name’s location, paste a list of all names and their statistics into a worksheet, toggle names between visible and hidden, and delete names. * Toolbar Assistant -- PRIME Toolbar Assistant provides a complete list of all active toolbars by name (this includes all hidden and visible toolbars), along with their button contents. Button contents include slot numbers, ToolTip text, the fully qualified macro assignment, whether the button face is built-in or custom, and the button id number. Toolbar Assistant allows you to add or change the ToolTip text and the macro assignment for any button on the fly. You can catalog this comprehensive list into a table on a worksheet. * TUGExcel Tools -- Various micro-macros built in "The Underground Guide to Excel 5.0 for Windows" (Addison-Wesley). See help topic "Custom Toolbars." * Window Assistant -- PRIME Window Assistant allows you to select for closing one, several, or all visible Excel windows. You can also create a new window, split a window, arrange windows, and activate a specific window then quit. * Zoomer -- Zoomer makes it easy to control your worksheet's zoom setting. You can control the zoom setting with a slider (like the controls on a stereo) or select it from customized lists of recent and fixed settings. ### The End ###