INSTALLATION You can install the MoreMem 4.0 device driver three ways. For Shareware Users: If possible, you should use the setup.exe program, since only it can install the 14-day No Password / 30-day Total Shareware Trial. The other two ways install the 30-day Password Shareware Trial. For Registered Users: You can install any of the three ways, but the setup.exe program provides the fastest and most flexible install. (1) From Windows, run setup.exe. OR (2) Add a device driver through the Drivers Icon in the Control Panel. The process is described in moremem4.txt. OR (3) Install manually as described in moremem4.txt. SUMMARY MoreMem 4.0 is a device driver that fixes Insufficient Memory to Run errors when loading Windows programs. On startup, each Windows program needs about 800 bytes of conventional DOS memory below 640K. This is because Windows still needs to communicate with DOS. Other programs may also need DOS memory. MoreMem pushes DLLs out of DOS memory into extended memory so that programs can use DOS memory to load. MoreMem includes TopBar, a resource monitor and task switcher that fits into the empty title bar area at the top of the screen. MoreMem allows the user to reserve three different sets of DOS compartments. Within each set, the number and size of the compartments are user-definable. MoreMem has 16 default settings to handle various Windows configurations and drivers. To keep more DOS memory free after bootup, MoreMem can allocate most of DOS memory when Windows boots and free it after all drivers and startup applications load. MoreMem can also free a user-specified amount of DOS memory for programs that require larger amounts of DOS memory. MoreMem provides a display of DOS memory usage by program, size, and address. MoreMem includes TopBar, which is a resource monitor and task switcher that fits into the empty space at the top of the screen where the title bar of a maximized application normally resides. TopBar displays the time, date, DOS memory, system memory, GDI resources, and USER resources. As memory levels fall below user-specified thresholds, TopBar changes its background color from green to yellow to red. TopBar can optionally warn the user through a popup dialog box. The icon of each running application is displayed in TopBar. The user can click on an icon to switch to an application. The user can also restore, maximize, minimize, close, and hide applications using a popup menu.