================================== PHYSICS by PICTURES v6.2 Registration Form ================================== Date ______________ Name ___________________________________________________________________ [Company] ______________________________________________________________ [Title] ________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ City __________________________ Country/State _________________________ Zip ___________________________ [Phone] _______________________________ [Fax] _________________________ [E-mail address] ______________________ All prices are given in U.S.D. 1 registration at $70 (see discounts) ______ Site license at $230 (see discounts) ______ TOTAL ORDER ______ Payment method: [ ] Check [ ] Money order Diskette Size: [ ] 5 1/4" [ ] 3 1/2" [ ] does not matter [ ] E-mail [ ] Express Post (+$15) _ _ _ O / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O \ (cut here and send the above by mail, E-mail or fax along with payment) Our address is: Box 59, Dolgoprudny-1, Moscow Reg., 141700, Russia Our Phone/Fax is: 7+(095) 408-77-72 Our E-mail is: soft@scph.mipt.msk.su (Internet) See TOPTEN.TXT for reasons why you should register. If you are outside of the RUSSIA, it is preferable to pay by means of bank transfer to our account: Bank of New York, One wall street, New York, N.Y.10286 in favour "Elecrobank" acc.No 890-0060-719 for Scientific Center PHYSICON Ltd. acc.No 1070604 If you use a foreign check, then any surcharges resulting from funds drawn from a non RUSSIA bank must be prepaid in addition to the registration cost. DISCOUNTS discounts D I S C O U N T S discounts!!! ===================================================== - Before the end of July 1994, users may register for only $50, site license for $170. - Before the end of August 1994, users may register for only $60, site license for $200.