APPLICATION SHEET FOR THE BATCH FILE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ========================================================== This information sheet will be used to help coordinate the BFDS so that new links can be established easily, and without delay. Please cooperate in filling this out so that we may better serve you. Who knows.... This may help you to find a better link into the BFDS then you already have! Please pass this file on to whoever you are forwarding the BFDS to, even if they're only getting one file area from you and have them fill it out. See bottom of File for mailing instructions. ======================[ cut here ]======================================= BFDS: ** Application for the Batch File Distribution Network ** Full Name (No Fake name) ................... : Address .................................... : Postal code/Zip code ....................... : City ....................................... : State .......................................: Country .................................... : Name BBS ................................... : Telephone number BBS ....................... : Baudrates (Vxx and/or PEP MNP HST) ......... : Online times (Crash Mail?).................. : What is your FidoNet nodenumber (Z:Net/node) : Net/Node of uplink ......................... : Do you accept FREQ's from Listed nodes