ÄÄÂÄÄ ÖÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÒÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÒÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÒÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÖÄÄÒÄÄ¿ ÒÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÖÄÄÄÄÄ¿ Ò Â (o) ³ º ³ º º º º º º º ³ ³ º ³ ÇÄÄ ÇÄÄ ÇÄÄ º ÇÄÄ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ º ³ º º º º º º º ³ ÓÄÄÄÙ ÓÄÄÄÄÄÙ Ð Ð ÐÄÄÄÄÄÙ Ð ÐÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÓÄÄÄÄÄÙ Ð Á FREEWARE OF THE FUTURE  NEWMON??.ZIP Totally new monsters for the popular BBS Door Legend of the Dragon v3.26 or higher. NEWMON10.ZIP (v1.0) is the most recent release.  PWRRNG11.ZIP Power Rangers Language For TriBBS v5.02 or higher. Go Go Power Rangers! This is v1.1. All the bugs and glitches from PWRRNGRS.ZIP are fixed in this version. Sorry for any trouble this may have caused.  NET????.ZIP A list of popular Internet sights complete with addresses. NET0695.ZIP is the most recent release. All of the above listed files are FREEWARE. They require no fee or registration of any kind. They should be available on your favorite BBS or Online Service ( E.G. Prodigy, America Online, Compuserve ). If you have any questions, comments, or bug reports, JOFFETECH can be reached via the Internet at: JOFFE98@AOL.COM