Vol 1, No. 4 May, 1995 Copyright 1995 by Dennis Denlinger ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ------------------------------------------------------------- "Practical Nutrition+" is a monthly electronic newsletter about care of the human body. Over the past 20 years the Editor, Dennis Denlinger, has been researching how to care for his own body with much success. During this time many theories and methods have been investigated and tried. Some have worked and some haven't. Some which have worked have been replaced with others which have worked better. Even more subjects have been researched than have been tried. Suggestions, gripes, questions and other feedback, addressed to Editor, "Practical Nutrition+" at denlingr@ix.netcom.com are welcome. Also, experts and people with practical experience with various areas of health are welcome to contribute guest articles. Contributors will be acknowledged by listing their Name, Firm Name, Street Address, Phone Number and E-mail address. The content of "Practical Nutrition+" is determined by the Editor, with due weight being given to your input. It will include from time to time articles by Dennis Denlinger or other lay persons who have had practical experience in day-to-day nutrition, articles by health care professionals, book reviews, answers to your questions and perhaps some surprises. >>>"Practical Nutrition+" does NOT give advice, but is only intended to inform, to entertain and to be a place where ideas regarding health can be exchanged. If you have a specific health problem, consult an appropriate licensed health care practitioner.<<< "Practical Nutrition+" will be available at various locations around the Internet. To subscribe to the electronic version of "Practical Nutrition+" send both your e-mail and paper mail addresses to denlingr@ix.netcom.com or to Dennis Denlinger, P.O. Box 60431, Sacramento, CA 95860-0431, USA. Your address will Not be distributed to others, but we may send you other pertinent information from time to time. *********************************** Nutrition YES, Toxins NO There is a simple basic which I read about early on in my study of nutrition. Dr. Weston Price in "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" (see "Book Recommendation" in Vol. 1, No. 1 of "Practical Nutrition+") is the first place I came across this simple basic. I keep coming across it, both in reading and in practical experience. The simple basic consists of give the body all the nutrition it needs in abundance while keeping it clean of toxins. Sure, there are details to good application of this simple basic idea, but all the details lead right back to this basic. There is another basic, that good health is more than simply a lack of disease. The readily visible disease may not show up until the body has been seriously depleted in nutrients and/or has become very toxic. By then, there may be a major problem to overcome. Once again, handling disease comes back to removing the toxins which are poisoning the body and/or giving the body the nutrients which it is lacking. Much has been written about stress and mental attitude in relation to good health. Indeed, this cannot be overlooked. It is another of the basics. But keep in mind when looking for sources of stress to eliminate, one source of stress is the upset which can come from too many toxins in the body. And another source of stress can come from not enough nutrients for the body to readily carry out all its functions. Once again, you are back to the basic of increasing the nutrients and removing the toxins. Part of removing the toxins is removing the source of toxins from our environment, such as tobacco smoke, smog in the air we breathe and pesticides in our water supply. By not putting toxins into the body, there is less that has to be eliminated. There is another way that the basic of less toxins and more nutrition can be applied. So far in "Practical Nutrition+" I have been writing mostly about nutrition side of this basic. This issue, however, I will activate the "+" and write a bit more about toxins and how they can be eliminated from the body. By Dennis Denlinger *********************************** Cleansing the Body There are various places in the body where unwanted things can lurk (hang out). They don't just hide out, but they actively damage the functioning of the body. By their presence, these things can actively poison the body or actively eat away at the body or prevent the body's cleansing mechanism from working correctly. One place where unwanted things lurk is the digestive tract: everywhere from the mouth down through the stomach, the small intestine, the large intestine and out the rear. Here is what happens. When the body is fed food which is not good nutrition, a mucous substance is secreted to prevent the absorption of toxins. The pancreatic juices are supposed to strip this mucous away. However, this can take some time. When every meal contains something which produces the mucous, the old mucous is not striped away, and after a while builds up a heavy layer of gunk. Dr. Bernard Jensen, in "Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management," displays superb color photographs of this gunk. You most definitely don't want to look at those photos when you are eating. This gunk can prevent nutrition from being absorbed from food. It can be a source of toxins. Parasites think this gunk is an ideal breeding ground. The gunk is so firm that it strongly resists the movement of food through the intestines. You most definitely do not want this gunk in your body. A friend, who I've known for 10 years, tells me he was dying until he started to get rid of this gunk from his intestines. There was so much gunk he wasn't able to absorb nutrition from his food. He is now on the road to recovery and doing well. Several other friends are doing or have already done the program with good results. The program is described in "Cleanse & Purify Thyself" by Dr. Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D. Toxins, such as drugs, heavy metals, pesticides, etc. are stored by the body in fat tissue. After a while there can be a lot of toxins stored in the body fat. These toxins do not always remain in the fat tissue, but are released into the blood stream where havoc can be raised. People who had earlier done LSD can years later experience an LSD Trip from minute amounts of the drug being released from the fat tissue. The Purification Program which was developed by L. Ron Hubbard and is described in his book, "Clean Mind, Clean Body" will eliminate toxins from fat tissues. The program is delivered by the HealthMed Clinics. There is a HealthMed Clinic in Sacramento and in Los Angeles. I have done this program and heartily recommend it to you. Most human bodies are infected by parasites. Parasites are not lovely creatures. They take from the body and do not give anything back. They eat the nutrition in the intestine before it can even be absorbed through the intestinal wall. What's worse, they sometimes break through the intestinal wall into the body itself, where they make a feast of your muscles, blood and other organs. YUCK!!! According to Dr. Hulda Clark, in "The Cure for All Cancers," the liver fluke parasite is one of the inhabitants of the intestine. It normally does not complete its life cycle in the human body. However, when there is propyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) in the liver, the liver fluke parasite Can complete its life cycle in the human body. When this happens, it makes a bee line for the weakest area and there creates a cancer. Ridding the body of the liver fluke parasite, according to Dr. Clark, will stop any cancer. She describes how this is done in her book. Dr. Clark tells about two other organs of the body which must be cleaned of unwanted things: the liver and the kidneys. Little stones grow in the passages (pipes, hoses) of these two organs, stopping the flow of the fluids they produce. The liver is the chemical factory of the body. It produces a very important digestive juice and when it is not available in sufficient quantity, your food won't digest properly. Gall stones in the gall bladder and the liver slow down the production and release of this important digestive juice. The kidneys clean toxins from the blood and excrete them as urine. The toxins cannot be effectively removed when the passages of the kidneys are totally or partially blocked by kidney stones. Keeping those toxins in the body can eventually kill it. The gallstones and kidney stones can be removed by the programs described in Dr. Clark's book. I have done the parasite program and the kidney program with very good results and look forward to doing the liver cleanse. It is by belief that allowing these unwanted things to continue lurking in your body can make it feel constantly bad and can even kill it before its time. On the other hand, it is my belief that cleaning out these unwanted things can leave the body feeling better and allow it to live healthily its entire allotted time. by Dennis Denlinger *********************************** Answers to Your Questions How do I lose weight? Some people say to count calories. Some say to eat only lettuce. Others say to eat only meat. Yet some others . . . . My own experience has been that whenever I improve the nutrition or remove some toxic influence that I lose some weight and as long as I do not go back to the way it was before, the weight stays off. For example, when I went totally organic I lost 15 pounds. I have not gone back to eating non-organic foods since then and the weight has stayed off. That was over 3 years ago when my daughter Lindsay was in the womb. Then six months ago I started eating nutrient-rich freeze-dried blue-green algae from Lake Klamath. I do not know if I lost weight as I have not weighed myself, but my waist is about 2" less around. I can now wear a suit I haven't been able to fit for over 15 years. This is my experience and is the reason I do not have much patience with the various weight loss programs I hear about. At one time I was very noticeably over weight. That was when my diet was not as good as it is now and when my body was more toxic than it is now. I do not try to lose weight. I eat as much as I want of foods which are good tasting to me. Yet, I do not have a weight problem. *********************************** Book Recommendation One of the most respected writers in the area of nutrition was the late Adelle Davis. Her knowledge of nutrition was broad and deep. She spread her knowledge liberally through her books. Her most basic book was "Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit." In it she tells of the different nutrients and what they do for the body and what occurs when they are lacking. Although written many years ago, the data is still applicable. Ture, it is missing data on free radicals (these will be discussed in a later issue of PN+), the importance of which did not become apparent until later. As important as is the data she presents, her discussion of the nutrition, or lack thereof, which is pushed off on our society by the big food processing corporations is even more important. According to Ms. Davis, removing nutrients from food to increase the shelf life and improve the profits at the expense of the health of the consumer just is not okay. The amount of lost income, the expense of hospital stays cannot be offset by such profits. This is basic economics. But more important, the suffering and loss of loved ones cannot be measured by dollars. The way she rakes the major food producers over the coals and beats the drum for her cause is enough to get a snowman's blood to boiling. Reading the last part of this book just might spark your interest in changing the way we handle our food. by Dennis Denlinger *********************************** "Practical Nutrition+" is produced and edited by Dennis Denlinger. From time to time I have data on my favorite subjects, publications (I operate a publishing house) or products which I can send you. Some goes best by e-mail and some goes best by snail mail. I will have a summary of my current "nutrition hat," covering basic concepts and how I am presently applying them, available soon via e-mail. Eventually it all will appear in "Practical Nutrition+." For specific requests or potluck, send your e-mail and snail mail addresses to denlingr@ix.netcom.com. or snail mail to Dennis Denlinger, P.O. Box 60431, Sacramento, CA 95860-0431, USA, or telephone (916) 485-5119. I may ask for postage on some snail mail requests.