============================================================================= Title : Rescue on Endor Filename : ENDBASE.GOB Author : Darrin Bunker (aka. Roogar Stormwin) Email Address : Compuserve @ 75264,400 Misc. Author Info : This is my first try at level modifying for Dark Forces. And yes, I am still working on my Mountain DOOM Episode. Description : Your mission is to rescue an Ewok leader who has inside information on the shield generator protect- ing the new Death Star. The Imperials captured him as he was about to meet with our leaders. Beware, this level is very difficult on harder levels. Although, the actual level is the same as the original level 1 Secret Base. I have modified many objects and room properties. There are a few more weapons that may help you starting off. Although, I don't think it will affect further game play too much. NOTE: if you haven't finished the original levels yet, only play this one on EASY, lest you may spoil some of the excitment your first time through. But, if you are having a difficult time early on, this level may help. Additional Credits to : LucasArts ID Software (for starting the whole thing) Yves Borckmans for DFUSE editor ============================================================================= * Play Information * Replaces Level # : Level 1 Secret base Difficulty Settings : Yes (gets tough) New Map : No (the next step for me) New Graphics : No New Sounds : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : No * How to use this file * 1. Put ENDBASE.GOB in your dark directory 2. type: DARK -UENDBASE.GOB Note: do not put a space between -U and ENDBASE.GOB as this will not work. =============================================================================