HISTORY OF THE HANDBOOK -- for those who care... :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 05-31-95 v1.2. Added the Windows help file to the archive and corrected some typos and missing info. Not very much change. 04-23-95 v1.1. Corrected a lot of missing and/or inaccurate information. Added a DOOM 2 level for those without DOOM 1. Added sections on teleporters, remote line- defs, and outside areas. Corrected the sidedef ex- planation. Added lighting effects and a working tele- porter to the example levels. 02-07-95 v1.0. The basic Handbook, compiled and written after months of design help from a bunch of people. Written primarily as a compilation of all the notes I had taken, but a lot of people expressed an interest in reading them, so I cleaned 'em up and made a guide out of it. Included a DOOM 1 example level for the reader, to see what all the basic structures, and some of the more common errors, look like.