PROGRAM : DISKFREE v.2.1 PURPOSE : A simple tool to determine the remaining bytes left on any drive. SYNTAX : DiskFree [1st Drive] [[2nd Drive] ... [26th Drive]] OUTPUT : Can be redirected, but default to the screen. Output can look like, when entered via a batch: C:\> DiskFree A C D E DiskFree v.2.1 (* FreeWare by Go$oŸt *) Drive Label Max.Avail Used (bytes) Free (bytes) Free (%) ----- ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- -------- A !!! not available !!! C GEOBBS--.WS 106,614,784 42,264,576 64,350,208 60.4 D INMAIL_N.ODE 42,321,920 26,376,192 15,945,728 37.7 E FILES_GE 132,962,304 118,276,096 14,686,208 11.0 ----- ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- -------- Total of 4 drives 281,899,008 186,916,864 94,982,144 33.7 RESULTS : - Optional the current drive is choosen. - Number of drives in list (You can count, just testing the Pentia) - If their is no disk at the determined place, it tells you. - DOS-formatted size of each disk. - Occupied by files according to DOS (FAT) of each disk. - Free space of each drive (Max.Avail-Used). - Percentace of free space on each disk (Free/Max.Avail*100). - Total maximun available size of all disks. - Total of Used space of all disks, acording to DOS (FAT). - Total free space of all disks (ä.Max.Avail-ä.Used). - Free space percentage (Free/ä.Max.Avail*100). NETWORK : This software has no troubles with Networks or Virtual drives. However the result from CD-ROM drives are not correct. I can not find the reason (yet). GARANTEE: Any use of this software is to your own risk. HISTORY : - First release, Version 1.0 Initial Release. Just one drive at the time. Source Included. - Second release, Version 2.0 Changed complete source. Accepts up to 26 drives in any order. Added summerize-calculations. Source is not included anymore. - Third release, Version 2.1 Bugfix for non-labeled diskettes. CREATOR : Writer : Gert de Vente, Sysop of: GEOBBS, Node : 2:280/805 @ FidoNet RC : 73:7310/10 @ RANet MEMBER : VNSP : 950521/01/M