A Credit repair guide for home-buyers. DOS MAY95 Files:creditrg Aythor:Keith Startz Registration:$19.00 A Credit repair guide for home-buyers will walk you through the entire process of credit repair.Our guide will cover everthing from ordering your credit reports to contacting each unwanted creditor on your credit report and what to say them while you have them on the phone to ensure you of the best results.You will also learn about universal data forms and how to have the credit bureaus use them to your advantage. You will be walked through several examples of credit repair situations such as I-9 auto repossessions to R-7 which is a item status number indicating that you are making payments under your debtor's plan.You will learn how to deal with collection agencys as well.We have also included information on home-buying.You will be given several sources of information on how to go about buying a home with the least amount of money down.As well as where to go to get the best deal on a new home.You will receive information on the RTC also known as the Resolution Trust corporation.The RTC was desighned and setup to sell off all the real-estate the goverment acquired from all the failed savings and loan companies.