TELWHERE v1.2 - Telephone Number Location Identifier This program can identify the location (City, State) of a telephone number in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. New Area Codes and exchanges are frequently assigned, and recently-assigned numbers may not be acknowledged by this program as being valid, or the determined location of those numbers may not be accurate. This current version acknowledges data current as of 31 March 1995. Only regular telephone numbers are included in this database. "800", "900", and other miscellaneous special numbers are not included. All data contained within this program and all associated data files may not be without errors or omissions. The author makes no claims or representations as to the accuracy, usefulness, or fitness of this program or data for any particular purpose. This program is SHAREWARE. You are entitled to a two-week trial period after which you must either erase the program, or register it. For registration information, please see the file "REGISTER.TXT"