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This time, COTD is starting to cause an uproar in the DooM world, and many want to see "the world's best grand finale for DooM" now, and before QUAKE puts it out to pasture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (2) Q: What is Castle of the Damned? A: Castle of the Damned is going to be the world's best ever add-on for the MEGAHIT PC game DooM. This will be an ENTIRE EPISODE for the first mission: KNEE-DEEP IN THE DEAD. COTD (as it's called) takes place in the Rocky Mountains in an old citadel which goes by the name CASTLE SOLARGE (Caslte-so-large. Get it?), a mega huge city surrounded by walls. Demons from Hell thought it would be real nice to hold their experiments here, but the forces await- ing them are ready. Unfortunately, the demons got in, and killed every- one in the citadel, except for headbangers which have the reputation of being devil worshipers. The demons separated out the devil worshiping metal freaks to ust the music lovers, and killed the music lovers, leaving the devil worshiping ones for their experiments. Once the exper- iment was over, the remaining headbangers were turned into flesh-eating zombies that will sacrifice anyone, or anything, to worship Satan. They were to go to the outside world and wreak havoc! Your mission is to save the reputations of all headbangers before this evil batch has any contact with the outside world! Save the reputation of heavy metal fans everywhere, before Hell's zombies destroy it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (3) Q: When in COTD officially going to be released? A: Just to be on the safe side, COTD is expected to be out at least a week before the release of QUAKE, so Doomheads can have something to drool over before it's released. At the current time (as of this writing, May 25, 1995), it is 33% complete, and may be out in September. QUAKE is ex- pected to be released around Christmas '95. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (4) Q: Is there a COTD demo out? A: There IS a crippled version of COTD's first level out as a demonstra- tion of what the whole uproar is all about. It is "crippled" because not all of the replacements (sprites. graphics, etc.) are complete, and are FAR from that goal. This file is under 1FIFFY_D.ZIP, and can be found on SOFTWARE CREATIONS BBS: (508)368-7036. Other places it MAY get onto (or stay posted) is REAL-TIME BBS: (508)342-4566, and AOL. Also crippled are the secrets. Only ONE of THREE are present in the demo. One of the other two secrets are quite huge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (5) Q: What IS new in COTD? A: There are new graphics, of course. The "main" set of graphics, the wall thextures for the levels, are complete. New lamps and chandeliers light up the place, as well as yellow torches. There are new weapons currently available in the demo, and those in the works. They are: Chainsaw Changed into Gas-Powered Drill Handgun " " Laser pistol Chaingun " " Rapid-Fire Laser Gun Rocket Launcher " " Flame Thrower Plasma Rifle " " Napalm Launcher* BFG-9000 " " Napalm Megagun* Zombieman " " Brown Headbanger* Sargent " " Blonde Headbanger Cyber Demon " " Rush Limbaugh* Spider Boss " " Snoop Dog-E-Dogg* * Not in the demo version, or in the works. Depending on time, other sprites may be replaced, or other graphics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (6) Q: What version of DooM do I need? A: To view the demos for both the present and future release, you will need version 1.666. As for the official release, a demo concerter will be included to change them to 1.7 to "2.0". This program is NOT back- ward compatable (like the DeHackEd patch) to 1.2 or lower. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (7) Q: Is there a DEHACKED patch? A: Although I can never figure out more than replacing text, there WILL be a DeHackEd patch for the finished version. At least ONE change will be made (and that's all there is planned), where your Napalm Megagun will cause TWICE the damage your BFG-9000 can do. I can probably figure that one out. Also, the most common crashing errors are simplified. For example, if there's too much detail for the game to draw, which would explain the problem better? id's: V_VISPLANE: no more visplanes KR's: Too many linedefs to draw! Of course, some I will NOT BACK AS 100% ACCURATE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (8) Q: Any new sounds in COTD? A: YES, there will be new sounds. Jason Morris has provided several Beavis and Butthead sound FX, including the player's death (DSPLDETH) which spans a little more that 30 seconds in length (@ 301KB)! Mark Klem's CRINGE sounds and those from Heretic will also be here. In terms of music, someone is to be working on this. This is suposed to be an all Metallica music selection, based on many replies for such music. 70% want Metallica, 30% for White Zombie, and 10% for Nirvana, so Metallica wins. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (9) Q: Any specal tricks planned in any levels? A: YES, in fact, the first trick in in the demo. Ever wondered if it were possible to have doors you could actually see though in DooM? Well, it's here, and Mark Klem taught me how to do this. Once taught, I have DRASTICALLY improved on his formula to make the doorway realistic, and involving only 3 sectors, compared to his 5. Also changed, courtesy of Mark Klem, is the Invincibility pallete. In- stead of the screen turning that bright white, you'll see RED, as in BLOOD, and does not have a "negitive" effect. Gives this episode the PERFECT phychological edge to go kill! :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is all there is for now. And just for the record, these are ACTUAL QUESTIONS I have recieved on the project, the MOST I ever got beofre a release (In fact, the release is quite a ways down the road)! ANY queastions to want to add into this FAQ? Any comments? E-mail me at: Georgef551@aol.com TRY TO BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE. THANKS! King REoL, Resident Expert of Leominster