+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The BIRCH BARK BBS / 414-242-5070 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * From The InterNet * ------------------------fwd------------------------ Subject: C-NEWS: Congress News Special Post 4/21/95 CONGRESS NEWS: SPECIAL POST April 21, 1995 ============================= by: Kim Weissman 74157.1507@compuserve.com There seems to be a growing sentiment in this country that a resort to violence is an appropriate response to overbearing government actions. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. Violence against agents of the government is no more justified today than it was 25 years ago, when it was the political left who engaged in violent protest against the Viet Nam war. Conservatives today are, or should be, dedicated to a peaceful restoration of the Constitutional framework under which our government operated for the first century of our national existence. The ONLY WAY to restore the Constitution is to obey the Constitution. Any resort to violence has but one outcome: anarchy. As has previously been pointed out in this newsletter, violence and anarchy will destroy forever the Constitutional republic which has been, and which remains, the beacon of freedom and individual liberty for the rest of the world. Some have argued that our nation has strayed too far from its founding Constitutional principles for those principles to ever be restored again. THEY ARE WRONG. Some have argued that it is the very openness to differences of opinion, which our Constitution protects, which is at the root of our current difficulties, and that we must establish a far more structured and restrictive framework for our future well-being. THEY ARE WRONG. It is that very openness which makes this nation great. Some have argued that we must resort to violence in order to counter violence. THEY ARE WRONG. Injustice cannot be corrected by resort to outrages such as the Oklahoma City bombing. The old adage that "two wrongs don't make a right" is as true today as it ever was. As this post is uploaded, we are being treated to widespread media characterization that the people responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing murders are members of an "ultra-conservative, anti-government, pro-gun" group. There have already been implications (by commentators, not official government pronouncements) that it is the "climate of hate" fostered by conservative radio talk shows which has created the environment in which actions such as the bombing are encouraged. Free speech and political dissent are being characterized as incitements to violence. In the days and weeks ahead, we can expect an unprecedented verbal, and perhaps legal assault on conservatives in general. Members of the liberal left are already pointing to Oklahoma City with an air of triumph, implying that this bombing validates what they have been saying, that conservatives and the conservative philosophy are dangerous. Some are explicitly saying that it is "the ready access to guns in this country" which permits events such as this bombing. There will be a concerted effort, which has already begun, to paint all conservatives with the broad brush of guilt. In the hysteria surrounding these tragic events there will be calls for further restrictions on our Constitutional rights and our liberties. There will be calls for restrictions on free speech, "for the general good". There will be calls for restrictions on our rights to keep and bear arms, "for the general good". There will be calls for restrictions on the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, "for the general good". As has been too painfully demonstrated over the past half century, freedoms once surrendered are all too often lost forever. BUT: Have no illusions about the lengths to which the radical left will go to exploit this terrible event in order to advance their own partisan political agenda. It has been said before, and cannot be repeated often enough, that conservatism is not about violence, it is about freedom. Conservatism is not about group divisiveness and hatred, it is about existing together in individual equality. Most importantly in the current context, conservativism is not about the wanton taking of human life, it is about viewing each individual human life as precious and irreplaceable. Conservatives, no less than all Americans, reject the violence in Oklahoma City, and condemn such actions in the strongest terms possible. "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God." -- James Madison END ------