----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE STACKER 4.0 & WINDOWS 95 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Applies to Stacker 4.0 for Windows & DOS with Windows 95 Preview Program) STAC FAX 5101 (04-14-1995) ----------------------------------------------------------------- WINDOWS 95 & STACKER 4.0 Stacker 4.0 for Windows & DOS runs on Microsoft Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1 and most versions of DOS (see system requirements in documentation). Microsoft is developing a new operating system called Windows 95 and is offering a beta version of that operating system called Windows Preview Program to the general public. Because Windows Preview Program is a beta operating system and subject to change, Stac Electronics makes no warranties or claims as to the compatibility of Stacker 4.0 for Windows & DOS, or earlier versions of Stacker, with Windows Preview Program. The procedures in this document are provided for your information only. And, as always, when making any system changes, remember to make a backup of your data. BACKGROUND Q. Can I install the Windows 95 Preview Program on a Stacker drive? A. Some users have reported a successful setup of Windows 95 on a Stacker drive. Compression results vary and system speed may be affected. If you decide to setup Windows 95 on a Stacker drive, ensure that you have backed up the data on your system first. See StacFax 5001 for detailed procedures. Q. Can I compress my Windows 95 disk with Stacker? A. Some users have reported successfully compressing a Windows 95 drive with Stacker 4.0. Compression results vary and system speed may be affected. If you decide to compress a Windows 95 drive, ensure that you have backed up the data on your system first. See StacFax 5002 for detailed procedures. Q. Can I use the Stacker Windows Toolbox? A. The Toolbox may be available for you to examine the status of your drives. But you should not use it to perform any operations on the drive such as Optimizing or Resizing the Stacker drives, or Compressing new ones. Q. Can I use long filenames on my Stacker drive? A. Yes. But do not assign long filenames to the STACKER directory or to any Stacker Files. Q. Can I Optimize, Uncompress, Repair and Resize my Stacker drives, or Create new ones? A. Yes. But don’t start these operations from the Stacker Windows Toolbox. You must run these utilities when started into a command prompt, not the Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI). See StacFax 5601 for details on using these utilities and preserving long filenames. Q. Can I change the Expected Compression Ratio (ECR) on my Stacker drive? A. Yes. But don’t start this operation from the Stacker Windows Toolbox. Change the ECR when started into a command prompt, not the Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI). See StacFax 5601 for details on using the Stacker utilities and preserving long filenames. Q. Can I perform the operations in the previous two questions from a command prompt session (DOS box) while running Windows 95? A. No, you must be started into a command prompt without the GUI. See StacFax 5601. Q. Can I convert a DriveSpace or DoubleSpace drive running Windows 95 to a Stacker drive? A. No. Q. Will Stacker Anywhere work under Windows 95? A. Only if you've booted to a command prompt. Q. Can I setup a Windows Swapfile on a Stacker drive? A. Stac recommends that you NOT setup a Swapfile on a compressed drive. If you have a Stacker Virtual Memory icon in the Windows 95 Control Panel, don’t use it. You may delete the icon if you wish. Q. Can I use the Briefcase with Stacker? A. Yes. If you compress a drive that already has a Briefcase set up, you may lose the associations. Try re-associating the files/programs/documents. Q. Will the Windows 95 Startup disk mount my Stacker drives? A. No. The Windows 95 Startup disk is not Stacker-aware. A forthcoming StacFax will provide instructions on making a Stacker-aware Startup disk. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1995 Stac Electronics