To: ALL Refer#: 37 From: PETER TORRES Read: NO Subj: NATIVE CONTRIBUTORS Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: NATIVEAMERICA (7) Read Type: GENERAL Tauguey Hello: T H E D E V E L O P M E N T O F A N A T I O N ---------------------------------------------------- " An Indian presence in Puerto Rico was officially recog- nized in censuses up until the beginning of the 19th century when Governor Toribio Montes, confronted with the difficulty of fixing the ethnic origins of the population, grouped all non- whites under a common classification. In the 1777 census a population of 1,756 full blooded Indians was registered, and it went up to 2,302 by 1778. As a result of that decision by Governor Montes, from the 1800s til the present, "Indians" are no longer mentioned in Puerto Rico, except to point out that Indians are one of the ethnic components of the general Puerto Rican population being "Spanish" the major component, or to point out that Indians became "extinct!" It has been only in recent years that some Puerto Ricans of Taino descent living away from their homeland have developed an awareness and pride in their indianness, re-affirming their right to reclaim their aboriginal identity. Whether we are full blooded or racially mixed, we take pride in our Taino indigenous identity! This awareness has spread to the Taino homeland as a result of the recent restoration of the Taino Nation. As a basic need for our survival, but also in answer to the quincentennial "celebration," we, descendants of Taino indigenous identity, have responded by declaring the restoration of the Taino Nation as of the 19th of November, 1992 the day on which the Spaniards supposedly "discovered" our homeland. None of us had in mind the formation of a club, an association, a Taino "group" or an organization! The research, study, work and all our efforts were made in order to proclaim the existence of a people unwilling to die, unwilling to remain "extinct" and that had decided to walk in the path of self definition and self-determination. As a result of those efforts, work, and dedication, and being in the vanguard of the Taino reawakening, some amongst us were recognized as leaders, Caciques and Nitaynos of the restored Nation. The prophetic step of restoring the Taino Nation has been taken, even if in an embryonic stage and practically from the dispora. The Taino Nation is not, therefore, an organization but the people organizing! It is not a Taino movement, but the Taino people in motion! It is the people saying "enough!" to inaction! We could not remain "extinct" for another 500 years! Not for another year, nor for one more day! The sacred bones of our ancestors would have arisen from the dead to point out our cowardice! Without the guidance, the direction and the inspiration of the spirit of our ancestors, we would never have known the joy of following in the footsteps of the great Cacique's or Chiefs Urayoan Anacahona and Aqueybana the great. Their lives were full of pain, suffering, sorrow and persecution. We expect no less! We find glory in knowing that as Tainos we have done our duty! The Nation has been restored once and for all and continued work is now required to strengthen it. We have now to search out and discover all over our Taino homeland all those Caciques and Nitaynos that have been working in anonymity, keeping our culture and heritage alive in their own way, under the present circumstances and conditions imposed by a culture brought from Europe, jealously quarding and passing on our Taino heritage, camouflaged though it may be, whether it be called jibaro in one place, guajiro in another and Mestizo in yet another. We must search out and recognize the old ones who have passed on to their children and grandchildren the customs, traditions and knowledge, however camouflaged to be able to pass it on from one generation to the next. Yes, those are true Caciques and Nitaynos -the titles are not important- true guardians of our race and culture. Had it not been for many like them, how would we ourselves have known of our own identity? We have read in some books that our Taino ancestors were "absorbed" by those who arrived 500 years ago. Maybe it's time to ask ourselves if it wasn't the other way around. Our Taino ancestors absorbed the later arrivals, going "underground" so to speak, as a means of survival until the day of the restoration! That day has come!" "La Nacion Taina" Tua, Maoshiti Peter "Guanikeyo" Torres U.S. General Council Representative Please Publish: PS. We will be holding the great Taino Nation Arreito in Utuado, Puerto Rico at Barrio Caguana. at the Taino Indian Sacred Ceremonial grounds at Caguana, the week of November 18, 19, of 1995 all are welcome! FOR MORE INFORMATION Call: The Taino Tribal Council of the United States Voice: 609-825-7776 FAX 609-344-4164 T H E H U M M I N G B I R D B B S I N T E R N A T I O N A L BBS NUMBER 1-609-563-1682 H O M E O F T H E T A I N O I N D I A N S