The "Master" of WorldWide LordNet" By Steve Newman I distinctly remember the name Joe Masters when I first started carry- ing a small network called SFNet, a SPITFIRE only QWK mail network. The world of the IGM was just heating up and Joe visited the Door Games echo from time to time talking about these little modules we've come to know asIGMs. No, it doesn't stand for International Good Music, an automated radio firm out of the Pacific Northwest but rather In Game Module. Little did we know many new "wannabe" programmers were lurking in the background cranking out these little "gems".....and continue to do so Ad Nauseum! It was clear when I read many of the messages from Mr. Masters that we had a L.O.R.D giant on our hands. I was right, and all of us in WorldWide LordNet should be honored to have Joe on OUR side. Understand what I'm saying here. Many who are attempting to or are considering running their own LordNet should heed my message. Masters isn't upgrading the LordNet software that is currently on many boards for downloading until our net has proven it to be worthy of distribution. If you were to leave WorldWide LordNet because you just can't stand to be told you can't run this IGM or that NPC and were to use the software elsewhere, you would be in breach of an agreement with Joe . If you don't think you're part of an exclusive club, then think again. Joe is well aware there are problems with some of his other LORD utilities currently out there for download, but he's putting all of his energy into perfecting the LordNet software before he puts the test probe to his other utilities and takes a well deserved summer break. I truly believe that Joseph Masters has given us one nice piece of intelligent software that will do its intended job and keep the network honest. The LordNet software has come quantum leaps, if you will, in the last couple of weeks and we're close to a reset of the current test game. Many of these IGM'S pale in comparison to Joe's effort and LordNet has been well-orchestrated by Masters. If Billy "Butcher" Watford remains as the conductor of this orchestra, we're going to have sell-out concerts. Now, armed with these thoughts, ask yourself if that IGM was really that important. The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind...the answer is blowing in the wind.